All posts by Nichelle Stephens

blogger, bookkeeper, comedian-ish, event planner, social media strategist, writer

Niche List: Kimchi, Boobs, Circus

absolut brooklyn
A new “Spike Lee Joint” is this red apple and ginger flavored vodka. I wonder what it would taste like in a martini, substituting olives for lychee.

Saturday, May 22. Mama O’s Kimchee will be at Greenpoint Food Market sharing a table with Laena from Anarchy In A Jar. It’s condiment heaven!

Saturday, May 22. HyperGender Burlesque has a show called “Diasporic Dreams” featuring the founders of Brown Girls Burlesque, Aurora Boobrealis and Dame Cuchafrita. $15 WOW Cafe Theater.

Ongoing until June 6. Cirque De Soleil OVO is now playing at Randall’s Island. I am proud to say that I know Michelle Matlock who stars in the show. She plays the Ladybug. Many moons ago, Michelle had a one-woman called The Mammy Project. Also, Michelle is in an article in the New York Times about the Dazzle Dancers who I saw at the Siren Festival ages ago. Good Times.

Niche List: Veggie Prom, Jewelry Making, Franklin St and More

Carousel in DUMBO
The Jane Carousel in DUMBO.

May 14. Veggie Prom at Littlefield.

May 15. Vintage-inspired Jewelry making at The Brooklyn Museum with Kae Burke. 2-4PM $15 materials fee.

May 15. Brooklyn Based is celebrating their third anniversary with Total Franklin Street Immersion. Hopefully the G train is running.

May 15. $20 vintage dress sale at ReDress in Boerum Hill. Also, read The Gloss’s post by Lilit Marcus on wearing vintage.

May 15-16. New flea market, Red Hook Mercado opens this weekend. Tacos and cupcakes, oh my.

Read: Jami Attenberg’s new book, The Melting Season. There’s a Prince impersonator in the book. Need I say more?!

Lena Horne.

I didn’t know her personally.

I didn’t know it would hit me so hard.

Lena Horne has died.

“My identity is very clear to me now. I am a black woman. I’m free. I no longer have to be a ‘credit.’ I don’t have to be a symbol to anybody; I don’t have to be a first to anybody. I don’t have to be an imitation of a white woman that Hollywood sort of hoped I’d become. I’m me, and I’m like nobody else.”

She said that at age 80. I so wish she was free to say it much sooner.

Niche List: May 7 Ice Cream, Design And Music

Picture taken at P0rno Bingo at Pieces on Thursday. Slowest Bingo ever.

Haagen Dazs Five is the best thing ever. It is their new line of ice cream with only five ingredients, milk, sugar, egg, cream, and the fruit/flavor of the ice cream. I just tasted the lemon and I love it. I can’t wait to try the ginger.

FRIDAYS IN MAY. Erin and Her Cello is doing a Friday residency for the month of May at Rockwood Music Hall starting tonight. Tonight’s show is at 8PM; the following Fridays the shows will be at 7PM. Free.

MAY 8-9. Brooklyn Designs at St. Ann’s Warehouse $15. I fully expect to see Ted Allen or Marty Markowitz there.

MAY 13. La Res will be playing at Don Hill’s (511 Greenwich Street) at 8:30PM.

Learn Stuff: Upcoming Classes, Panels, Workshops

The Brides To Be and Me
Old photo that Ryan Brenizer took four years ago at a bridal shower.

May 12: Learn more about the fashion industry Work it Brooklyn Fashion Panel at Kingdom.

June 10: TechMunchNYC, a food blogger workshop at the Roger Smith.*

June 21: Wedding Photography Class with Ryan Brenizer at Adorama.

July 15-18: Stained glass class with Joseph Cavalieri at Urban Glass.

*I am co-producing TechMunch NYC with Babette Pepaj of BakeSpace.

Niche List. April 29

meat hook sloppy joes 001
This picture is the delicious Meat Hook sloppy joe that Tom Mylan bought to Liza de Guia’s spring potluck on Monday. It was yummy!

Bacon Marmalade and More: The Brooklyn Lyceum is having a Spring Food and Craft Fair on May 1st and 2nd.

Bulls on Parade: Hell’s Kitchen Flea Market is having a food truck parade on Sunday May 2nd.

Faggity Haggity: The Miss Fag Hag contest is May 2nd at Comix. I will be there not competing, but wearing something fabulous.

The Original Foxy Brown: Pam Grier will be reading her new memoir Foxy, My Life in Three Acts on Tuesday at Barnes and Noble Tribeca on Tuesday, May 4. I am reading the book now and l love it.

Les Salonnaires

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Saturday night, I had the pleasure of attending a wonderful salon in a tenement building in the Lower East Side. It was hosted by Les Salonnaires. Dinner was provided by Kara Masi of Ted and Amy Supper Club. There was a ramp soup, an asparagus salad, and pasta cabonara and a delicious lemon semifreddo for dessert.

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There was amazing delicious bread made by Amatullah Jabriel, of Sweet Spice and Honey.

After dinner, there was a performance by Harpist Pamela Martinez who is also the lead singer of Teletextile. There was a trio of “naked cherubs” in the background while she played.

les salonnaires

Niche List. April 23

abandoned stuff animals
This photo was taken on my block. Who abandoned the stuff animals?

Hester Street Fair opens this weekend. Now people in Manhattan will not have trek across a bridge to enjoy artisan food and overpriced vintage. 🙂

Cupcake Eating Contest at Ivy Bakery. I’m judging and will make sure that every crumb is eaten.

The Lascivious Biddies are playing Monday at Rockwood Music Hall on Monday. Wish I could see them, but have a prior engagement. You go for me!

Bonus: I was quoted in a Mashable article, Eight Social Media Strategies To Engage Multicultural Consumers.

140Conference Day 1

For some strange reason, I thought that the 140Conf was at 92YTribeca, not the 92nd Street Y. So I had schlep from the “Lower West Side”  near the Holland Tunnel to the Upper East Side.

I got inside around 10AM to hear the end of Dan Harple’s presentation. He was talking about creating places and experiences. Gypsii.

Chris Lehmann excellent presentation about School 2.0. He is the principal of the Science Leadership Academy. Classes cannot be silos but lens to view the world.

Jeffrey Hayzlett, CMO at Kodak, and now famous for his appearance on Celebrity Apprentice. Regarding ROI for using twitter, Hazlett says “forget return on investment. it’s return on ignoring.”

Ivanka Trump was  interviewed by Jeffrey Hazlett. “To develop your brand means you have to be extremely consistent.”

Chris Weingarten. His presentation/rant was great. “Firsties! The race to be first is the most insidious fucking Ebola virus to hit the internet. When clicks are your lifeblood, good writing dies. Don’t let math dictate your music choices. Don’t believe the Hype Machine.”

Andrea Syrtash used relationship advice to apply to Twitter relationships.1. Worry less about impressing others. Let others impressed you. 2. You can’t have intimacy without vulnerability. 3. People want to be challenged-not changed.”

Joan Walsh from Salon lead a panel on Twitter rules when talking about race. Follow a diverse group. Don’t use lazy words.

ElonJames.Don’t be a douchebag. If you write something, and makes someone uncomfortable, then tweet it.

Prof Blair Kelley.Tweet as you who are. Make sure you have the time. Always use evidence. Don’t use the word “racist” or “racism”.

Liza Sabater. Harness your inner asshole. Vocabulary matters. Use emoticons when being snarky.

You may have heard the expression, there is no free lunch.  I never thought it would apply to a conference. I stopped taking notes after getting lunch at Effy’s Cafe and tweeted a little during the rest of the afternoon.