All posts by Nichelle Stephens

blogger, bookkeeper, comedian-ish, event planner, social media strategist, writer

Niche List: Sketchy, Freestyle, Guava and Wit


Jan 28. Witstream, Michael Ian Black’s curated comedy twitter feed is having a live comedy show at 92YTribeca. 9PM  Free wifi  $12 Adv. $15 Door [BTW, loved MIB’s guest performance on Mercy]

Jan 30. Molly Crabapple’s Dr. Sketchy’s class will have a tribute to Paul Pope. It is @The Slipper Room (167 Orchard St.) from 4-7PM. $10 adv. $12 door.

Jan 30. Sweet Revenge (62 Carmine Street) is having a Haiti fundraiser and will be debuting a special Haitian inspired cupcake with guava buttercream. All Day Saturday. Festivities start at 11AM.

Feb 1. Freestyle Love Supreme @Comix (353 West 14th St.) 8PM $20 Adv. $25 Day of Show.

Womens E-News Event About Black Maternal Health With Tonya Lewis Lee


Last night I attended a screening at the offices of Women’s eNews. It was for a screening of the documentary, “Crisis In The Cribs” which is about African American infant mortality. Tonya Lewis Lee is the producer of the film and she is also the spokesperson for the U.S. Office of Minority Health’s A Healthy Baby Begins with You campaign.

I was struck by how devastating the rate of infant mortality is for African American women. It crosses socioeconomic status, so it affects all African American women. Infant Mortality for the African-American community is a pressing, but it’s often an overlooked public health issue. The rate of death for African American babies before their first birthday is twice the rate of white babies and greatly outpaces the national average.

Attending the screening, there were bloggers, Kimberly Seals Allers from Mocha Manual, Nikki from Mommy Factor and Lucinda from Corporate Mom Dropouts. I also spotted actress Tamara Tunie whose friend works with a nonprofit that helps homeless mothers.

What can you do? Spread the word. Get a copy of the documentary and have a screening. Be healthy. Even if you don’t plan to have kids, set the example.

ProPublica has written several articles about Black Maternal Health and infant mortality in 2017.
Nothing Protects Black Women From Dying in Pregnancy and Childbirth
Black Women Disproportionately Suffer Complications of Pregnancy and Childbirth. Let’s Talk About It

At The Martha Stewart Show Today

It is an extra special show. It’s the blog show. Chez Pim will be on the show.

Sitting next to The Sophisticate Gourmet and 55 Secret Street.
Chez Pim is making Pad Thai.

Jennifer Koppleman Hutt from Whatever Martha, just played “Let’s Get Physical on her recorder.

Andrew Ritchie has a blog called Martha Moments. Andrew and Martha are making cute “yarn cards”.

Briana Campbell has a blog devoted to get hired at Martha Stewart.


After the show, I took a picture with Nichelle Pace and Nichelle Gainer! Later I had coffee at Stumptown Coffee at the Ace Hotel, and lunch at Ma Peche. It’s been a glorious day!

Haiti Has A Face


Found this photo on iStockPhoto and it is personifies what I want to say here, “Haiti has a face”. I have never been to Haiti. I know several Haitian Americans, and can only hope that their families are OK. If you are on Twitter, you should follow Wyclef who even before this earthquake has been leading humanitarian efforts in Haiti for years. I saw him at the 140Conference last year and he was great.

Here are some useful information that lists ways you can help from NPR.

Niche List: Melting Season, Stained Glass, Lucid Food


Jan 14 Book party for Louisa Shafia’s new cookbook, Lucid Food: Cooking for an Eco-Conscious Life. at Jimmy’s 43. $22.50 adv. $25 at the door. It is also a fundraiser for Just Food. Price of admission includes a signed copy of the book and an sampling of small plates.

Jan 19 Stained glass artist Joseph Cavelieri is having an artist reception at THINK coffee. Work will include The Simpsons “Missing Episode” series and the Muscle Man series. (1 Bleecker St near Bowery) 7-9pm FREE

Jan 21 Jami Attenberg is back with a new novel, The Melting Season. Her first reading in Manhattan will be at the Barnes & Noble Tribeca (97 Warren Street). FREE

Not time sensitive but interesting: I love this song by Childish Gambino (AKA Actor Donald Glover), “Bitch Look At Me Now“. He raps over Grizzly Bear’s “Two Weeks”. Wow! Next, I hope he raps over the Dirty Projectors’ “Stillness Is The Move”.

The Pale Off and The Brown Paper Bag Test

Over the weekend at a party, I witnessed a weird contest. It was a “pale-off”. Three or four people put their arms next to each to figure out who was whiter. I laughed a little at the ridiculousness as it reminded me of the first day back to school after summer vacation when I was a kid. My schoolmates and I would compare arms to see who got the better tan. My first thought at witnessing the “pale-off” was how everyone is still obsessed with the color of the skin, no matter their race. My second thought is there is an unsettling ease for someone who is White to even make that comparison, since other than more risk of sunburn or skin cancer, there is no repercussion for being very pale or semi-pale. For someone who African African or Latino, there is still discrimination within our community and outside of community. People are still obsessed with color even if don’t know about the “Brown Paper Bag” test.

From Urban Dictionary, “The Brown Paper Bag test is an actual test, along with the so-called ruler test in common use in the the early 1900s among upper class Black American societies and families to determine if a Black person was sufficiently white to gain admittance or acceptance. If your skin was darker than a brown paper bag, you did not merit inclusion.”

Both the “pale-off” and “brown paper bag test” are silly exercises. I hope the historical repercussions of the “brown paper bag test” does not keep a little brown girl or brown boy feel that they can’t be anything they want to be.

In Blogs (Tweets) We Trust

Nearly four years ago, I was a guest blogger for We Media. I was given a topic to discuss, and the post was about trust. I reread this yesterday and realized if I substitute “twitter”  or “social media” for “blog”, my commentary would still be the same.

This week’s theme of trust is significant because I think trust is what drives people to read blogs. They trust the author.

What is trust?
Trust is acceptance. You accept what the blogger has posted. I read blogs that I trust.

Why do you trust someone (or some thing)?
I think trust comes from experience. Whether it is trust in a brand, a blog or a president. We trust because a set of experiences have been positive. The more frequency of positive experiences, the stronger the trust.

How does trust spread?
Trust is spread by testimony. Testimony is stronger than “word of mouth.” When people say “he/she/it is cool,” they are giving testimony that they trust the entity.

And does it matter?
Trust matters. Integrity matters. The contract of trust and its reciprocal partner integrity is important. Without one or the other, there is no consideration. There is no need to read the blog.

Hints of Color on Network TV

While Shonda Rhimes, creator of “Grey’s Anatomy” and “Private Practice” gets most of the attention as being one of the few African American women working behind the scenes on network TV today, she is not the only one.

Nichelle Tramble is an author (The Dying Ground, The Last King) as well as writer for a new hospital drama on NBC, Mercy. I am big fan of this show personally and I recommend checking the latest episode on Hulu.

Mara Brock Akil, the creative force behind “Girlfriends” and “The Game” is now working on ABC’s “Cougar Town”.

Angela Nissel is the bestselling author of The Broke Diaries and her memoir Mixed. She also was co-producer and writer on “Scrubs” and consulting producer on “Til Death”.

Update: My friend told me about Millicent Shelton who directed episodes “Everybody Hates Chris”, “Cougartown and “Parks and Recreation”.

Niche List For the First Week of Twenty Ten.

Happy New Year! Happy Twenty-Ten! January is already jam-packed.

Jan 5. Six-Word Memoir Reading and Book Party at Word. FREE

Jan 8. Splurge. New monthly comedy show hosted by Carolyn Castiglia. Happy Ending. FREE

Jan 9.
Wedding Crashers. A fun, alt-hipster bridal expo hosted by Brooklyn Based. The Bell House. $20.00 – $40.0

On deck for next week
Jan 13. How To Run a Successful Cupcake Business. $15

PS. new favorite word- “adorkable”