All posts by Nichelle Stephens

blogger, bookkeeper, comedian-ish, event planner, social media strategist, writer

2000 To The 9. A Personal Recap of This Year.

Low key New Year’s Eve. Inauguration party was fun. Was in the studio audience for Martha Stewart show.
Martha Stewart Show
I did a fun cupcake photo shoot with Matty Baker. I went to see Sharon Jones and The Dap Kings for Valentine’s Day.
Tub of Cupcakes

I went to SXSW Interactive, spoke on a panel about Finance 2.0 and organized a cupcake event in Austin.
Hanging with Babette of Bakespace
I volunteered at both the 99% Conference and the PSFK Conference. I was the guest speaker at a viral marketing class at FIT. Allen Salkin’s mom drew this sketch of me at his “shoulder-themed” birthday party.
Nichelle Sketch
I organized a really fun cupcake meetup where Bre Pettis demonstrated his Cupcake Robot.
Cupcake Social 010
I went to the Webutante Ball. I was quoted in the LA Times about cupcakes. Matt and I had a scone party in his backyard. Cupcakes Take The Cake has a rainy cupcake picnic at Central Park, and cupcake kebabs made by Nora Vetter made their debut.
Cupcake Kebabs
I competed in the 4th Annual Hot Dog Cookoff. I also went to AfroPunk Festival.
July 007
My friends Cat and Kap got married. Hosted the Delicious Sandwich Social with Jon Friedman. Set the world record for the longest cupcake kebab at a URDB event. I started editing Pepsi We Inspire.
me with cupcake
I went to cupcake tea at the Ritz Carlton. I went to the Finovate Conference.
cupcake tea at Ritz Carlton
I judged Emily Farris’ 5th Annual Casserole Crazy Party at Brooklyn Label. I went to a Microsoft party and I was one of the lucky people to get a Zune HD.
Me at Microsoft party
fbzfest 009
I went to the Foodbuzz Blogger Festival in San Francisco. My panel, “The Broke Diaries: Using Blogs And Twitter To Live Cheaply” has been selected to be a part of the 2010 SXSW Interactive Conference. Cupcakes Take The Cake was mentioned in the New York Times.
I went to loads of holiday parties. Cupcakes Take The Cake held its fifth anniversary party at the Roger Smith Hotel. I went up to Mount Vernon. It snowed a lot before Christmas.
cupcakes take the cake 011

The Niche List: Effing Cool Women

December 5: Cupcake Show in Mt Vernon

Under the crush of parties and events, I bring you a little something, something.

Saturday, December 5. Tina Shoulders of LaidBack Home presents the Cupcake Show. I will be speaking about cupcakes at Harmony Designs, 115 South 4th Ave Lower level in Mount Vernon, NY. 1PM. FREE.

Sunday, December 6. Do some crafty holiday shopping at the Bust Craftacular. Metropolitan Pavilion 125 West 18th Street. 10AM-8PM

Sunday, December 6. The FCW Holiday Party will be at Angels and Kings. Hosted by Yolanda Shoshana and featuring performance by Jessica Delfino. There will also be a clothing swap. 4-8PM

Niche List: In The Flesh, Shelley Nicole and Score!

I will be down in Atlanta this weekend, so I will be missing some stuff.  Hope you have a wonderful pre-Thanksgiving weekend.

Thursday, November 19. Rachel Kramer Bussel’s erotica reading series, “In The Flesh” is celebrating its fourth anniversary with a star-studded reading including Abiola Adams, Lily Burana and Isobella Jade.

Friday, November 20. Shelley Nicole whose song, “Blak Girls” in the free BoldAsLove compilation is celebrating the release her EP with a show at Littlefield. $10adv $20 door

Saturday, November 21.  Score! Clothing swap at 3rd Ward.

Niche List: Obsolete Debate, Erin and Her Cello and More

Erin and Her Cello Residency at Rockwood

I’m back in New York City and the calendar is high octane until the middle of December.

Thursday November 12. Is it Obsolete?  Debate about it at Word in Greenpoint.  Anna Jane Grossman’s book about Obsolete objects is sparking a fun debate. Faye Penn from Brokelyn moderates. 7:30PM FREE

Friday November 13. Erin and Her Cello begins her residency  at Rockwood Music Hall. New Songs. Special Guests. 7PM FREE

Playing until Thursday 19.   The classic movie, The Red Shoes, is playing at The Film Forum.

Niche List For November 4: Performa and More

I will not be around this weekend, so I am going to miss some of this cool stuff. Luckily, I will be in San Francisco for the FoodBuzz Festival.

Performa ’09 kicks off this week.  Check out the schedule for performance art around the city.

Friday November 7. Sex Blogger Calendar Party at Fontana’s (105 Eldridge St). Come party with Tess, Rachel, Abiola and the gang. 6:30 – 9:30 PM Free!

Sunday, November 9. The season finale of Mad Men.  I may have to stay offline since I will be on the West Coast, so I don’t want to hear about spoilers beforehand.

Motorola Launches Droid And Parties at Morimoto

motorola picture by Nick McGlynn

Wednesday night, I attended a fun event at Morimoto celebrating the launch of Motorola’s new phone, DROID. The DROID by Motorola us a smartphone powered by Android 2.0 developed in partnership with Google and Verizon Wireless, the nation’s largest 3G network. The DROID was go on sale November 6.

Guests can chose to get either the DROID or the CLIQ. I chose the CLIQ which MOTOBLUR for its social networking capabilities. [I will let you know how it works when I get it.]

The food at Morimoto -sushi, oysters, shrimp and tiny fish burgers- were so good. I want to go back for dinner.

I hung out the usual suspects of the Consortium List, and it was great to see a few celebrities like Judah Friedlander, Guillermo Diaz, Sam Talbot from Top Chef, and Constantine Maroulis.

[Photo courtesy of Nick McGlynn of Random Night Out]