All posts by Nichelle Stephens

blogger, bookkeeper, comedian-ish, event planner, social media strategist, writer

Niche List: The Collander For Your Calendar October 28

Paint The Town Red pretty much covered most of the upcoming events this week, but here’s a few eclectic things that are actually NOT Halloween-related.

Thursday, October 29. Meet the real star of The September Issue, Grace Coddington.  Grace will be doing a book signing of The Catwalk Cats at Clic Bookstore & Gallery 255 Centre Street 7PM.

Friday, October 30. Housing Works New York Spelling Bee. Ward off a witch’s spell by spelling some tough words.  Jen Dziura hosts.  8PM $10

Monday, November 2. After drinking out of Red Solo cups at the Halloween and the NYC Marathon parties on the weekend,  by Monday you will want a real drink.  @SweetBlogOMine has put together a fancy cocktail tweetup which includes a Chartreuse tasting at Astor Wine.  399 Lafayette Street $35 6-9PM

BTW, Matt’s birthday  is November 3rd, so  next Tuesday @mcaldecutt or poke him on Facebook.

Niche List: The Collander For Your Calendar Oct 22

Casserol Crazy 5
Picture of one of the casseroles from Tuesday.

It is the high tide of the fall social season so take your vitamins and buckle up. Since you may need to rest up for next weekend’s Halloween parties, here’s three things I recommend for this week.

Thursday, October 22 There’s a global hip hop CMJ showcase at 92YTribeca 7PM.

Saturday, October 24 Vernon Reid will premiere a multimedia piece commissioned by WNYC called “Artificial Afrika” at the Winter Garden. FREE 8PM

Wednesday, October 28 is The Rejection Show. Hosted by Jon Friedman, the show features Wyatt Cenac who starred in the excellent movie, Medicine for Melancholy. 9:30PM $5

Last week’s Niche List

Niche List: The Collander For Your Calendar

Years ago, I had an email newsletter, then a blog named “Nichelle Newsletter”. Both of those extinct vehicles were used to spread the word about cool stuff and promote events that I love.  It seems that a list is needed again, if only so that I can keep up with events I may be going to.  Hopefully I will run this weekly on Tuesday nights/Wednesday mornings since that is the best time for me and I will only post up to five things.  So here goes!

Friday October 16 Royal Flush party at Crash Mansion. Open Bar. 4 bands. (Sounds like a clusterf#@k, but I am a sucker for parties thrown by obscure magazines.) Topic? Animal? Anyone?!

Tuesday October 20 Emily Farris’ 5th Annual Casserole Crazy Party at Brooklyn Label. I will be judging the casserole contest along with Tom Mylan and Rachel Wharton.  6:30PM

Tuesday October 20 Erin and Her Cello performing at Googie’s (Upstairs at Living Room) at part of CMJ 11:30PM [Client]

Wednesday October 21 #140Conf Meetup at MSNBC Digital Cafe. I will be speaking. 5PM.

Friday October 23 New Work City First Anniversary Party. 200 Varick is my second home. 8PM

If you know me, then you may know Matt, so check out his Consortium List which usually comes out on Sunday nights.

Zuning In

October 018

Tuesday, I went to a Microsoft part at the lovely Park Avenue Armory.  I was one of the lucky people to get a Zune HD for free. It’s a great media player, but I still need to figure out how it all works.  Now, I can listen to radio again, so I hear Jay-Z’s “Empire State Of Mind” anytime I scroll over to Hot 97.

DJ Tiesto performed at the party, and though I am not a big fan of club music, I danced my ass off. Plus the carpet on the floor made it easy to jump around.

Afterward, the Boy and I went to Rodeo Bar for dinner and saw this group, The Ukeladies. They were fun!

MediaBistro’s Dessert And Discourse

Tonight was my first time attending this annual event for senior level women’s magazine editors. It was nice to see a few friends including Jessica Siegel, Sara Benincasa, Michelle Madhok and Kelly Samardak. I tweeted during the panel part. It is a habit now. Here’s a few tweets from my stream. Two of the panelists, Michelle Adams and Nicole Staggs had just launched new sites, Lonny Mag and Real Beauty, respectively.

Event over. Goodie bag included blowdryer, wine and a tiny bottle of creamy liquor. Yay lady editor events!

about 2 hours ago from TwitterMail

I love money. I hate the word monetize. Wish I got a nickel every time I hear it uttered.

about 2 hours ago from TwitterMail

Crunching numbers = reading Google Analytics.

about 2 hours ago from TwitterMail

Kick ass resume: have some dotcom experience, have a personal blog, comfortable with crunching numbers.

about 2 hours ago from TwitterMail

None of the panelists think their entire sites would go behind a pay wall.

about 2 hours ago from TwitterMail

Growth is about mutual back scratching, partnerships and creating content that other sites want to link to.

about 2 hours ago from TwitterMail just launched. It’s a new shelter online mag. Founder Michelle Adams worked at Domino.

about 2 hours ago from TwitterMail

Nicole Stagg says pageviews and #of pages per reader. High engagement is important.

The Week in Stuff

“Imma let you finish” -Kanye starts a meme and the internets run with it.

Patrick Swayze died. It is like “The Summer of Death’ (h/t to Balk) is knocking out the 80s icons one by one.

It’s Revenge of the Nerds: President Obama yields a light saber on the White House lawn, Nerdcore Rising is now available on Netflix, and Keith sent me this link, Nerd Boyfriend.

Fashion Week happened. I hear that more people paid attention to who was sitting on the front row that the collections. I am waiting for someone to do a hipster-like version of musical chairs.

ACORN. Before last year, acorn was just a nut. Now ACORN is just plainly squirrelly.

Bored To Death premieres on Sunday. Jason Schwartzman is hilarious as Jonathan Ames.