All posts by Nichelle Stephens

blogger, bookkeeper, comedian-ish, event planner, social media strategist, writer

Back From South By: Moments In Love, Hate and WTF

This post is a recap of things that I loved, hated, and WTFed?! about SXSW.

First, I hated that I missed the Food Blogging Panel because I wanted to see my blog buddies Rachel, Cathy, Zach, Addie and Kalyn rock SXSW. I booked my flight before knowing what time the panel was scheduled, so I was at the airport while the panel was going on.

I loved that Saul from Freshbooks set up a lunch so I could meet the founders of Outright, Shoeboxed and Batch Blue.

I loved that I ate cupcakes in the morning with Rachel in the lobby of the Hilton.

I loved laughing with Rachel, Twanna and Zach.  [We could have our own reality show]

I loved that I got a HARO sticker from Peter Shankman. I WTFed that a girl from Phoenix came up to me just because I wearing the sticker at The Onion party.

I WTFed that the VIP section of the Onion party only had Miller Lite for Free.  I loved that a guy asked, “Didn’t I meet you at Likemind in Brooklyn?”

I hated that I got called a racial slur on the street by a homeless man.  It dampened my mood for partying, but I loved that I didn’t wake up with a hangover on my last day.

I loved that I got a free ice cream sandwich from the Ice Cream Man.

I loved that I met Austin food bloggers like the TipsyTexan and Addie Broyles.  I loved the goodie bag from Whole Foods food bloggers event.  I hated that I couldn’t bring the lovely lotion from the goodie bag on the plane.

I loved doing a panel about Finance 2.0, and people coming up to me afterward to ask me questions.

I loved meeting Anya Kamenetz.

I hated that I missed  some panels that my friends were on.

I loved that I ran into friends that I didn’t know were going to be at SXSW.

I hated the word “privilege” being thrown around at panel discussions.

I loved using Tweetdeck and Twickie while twittering the panel discussions.

I loved that I rocked three parties Sunday night.

I loved eating cupcakes at the Cupcake Social.

I loved meeting Babette from BakeSpace after knowing each other for years online.

I WTFed the Austin Convention Center. That place is a weird maze.

I loved that I met the guys from Lost Zombies.

I WTFed that a drunk cougar tried to pick a fight with me at the hotel bar.

I WTFed that bars put on the ugly lights at 8PM when the sponsored open bar ends.

I hated the ATM Fees which were $3 and up.

I loved that iPhone and Mac users were fascinated by my Peek and HP Mini.

I hated that it was hard to get something to eat at lunchtime.

I loved that I didn’t have a breakfast taco.

I loved that I want to come back next year.  I am already thinking of SXSW panels to pitch in June.

@SXSW: Finance 2.0, Money Management to Save This Generation

WAKE UP!!! Today, I will speaking on a very important panel at 10am,  Finance 2.0, Money Management to Save This Generation. I am so happy to be on the panel with‘s Aaron Patzer,‘s Michael Ferrari, Murali Subbarao of Billeo, and Stessa Cohen. Please come if you are in the town for “South By”. The panel will be in Room 18, Level 4 in the Austin Convention Center. The hashtag for our panel is #finsxsw.

Tweets From “Can Social Media End Racism Panel?”, Part 2

misterjt: Reminder to myself to check out @racialicious‘s coverage of kidscreen #racesxsw

23 seconds ago

allaboutgeorge: #racesxsw Peterson: You create a refuge in order to have a safe space to have the conversations, not get bogged down in 101-level issues.

49 seconds ago

AmandaMarcotte: #racesxsw @racialicious moderates every comment. I’d lose my mind.

about a minute ago

swirlspice: My experience is that having facts & definitions makes having race/racism conversations easier (but not easy). Blogs do help. #racesxsw

about 2 minutes ago

BlackWeb20: Social Media can be used as a refuge to have progressive conversations on race #racesxsw #sxsw

about 2 minutes ago

aureliom: @waynesutton RT “Can Social Media End Racisim?” session @iFroggy @funkybrownchick & follow tag at #racesxsw for updates #sxsw (shortened)

about 3 minutes ago

BlackWeb20: Best things about social media is everything created is documented so you can have the Racisim discussion online if not in person #racesxsw

about 3 minutes ago

AmandaMarcotte: #racesxsw Jay on understanding why people don’t enjoy theRace 101 conversation. True across communities.

about 3 minutes ago

buzzclocks: @plingyplang I’m glad i came to this panel! I really like this guy. #racesxsw

about 4 minutes ago

geekandahalf: Watching a videoblog by @jsmooth995 that killed it re: racism. Super smart and funny. Check it out. #racesxsw

about 4 minutes ago

allaboutgeorge: #racesxsw @jsmooth995 “One of the best things about social media is that every comment creates a document.”

about 4 minutes ago

niche: RT @funkybrownchick: Link for “How To Tell People They Sound Racist” YouTube video #racesxsw

about 5 minutes ago

ejflavors: “i don’t care who you are, i care about what you did.” #racesxsw

about 5 minutes ago

MacHerb: #racesxsw Can soc media end racism? Of course not but social media allows for anyone regardless to enter into the conversation.

about 5 minutes ago

ybpguide: Breaking News: I will be launching an End Racism App for the iphone. It will cost 1 million dollars. #sxsw #racesxsw (via @baratunde)

about 6 minutes ago

Tweets From The Can Social Media End Racism Panel, Part 1

allaboutgeorge: #racesxsw Peterson says tactics to combat racism are to spread knowledge, to create a refuge and to mobilize a base to take action.

about a minute ago

lizhenry: Latoya: 1) Spread knowledge. 2) Create a refuge. 3) Mobilize for action. #endracism #racesxsw #sxswi

about a minute ago

8asians: “How can we take action [against racism]? We can spread knowledge, create a refuge and mobilize your base.” #racesxsw

about a minute ago

lasculturas: RT @ericajoy: Non-minority friends at #sxsw : Why aren’t you at “Can Social Media End Racism?” #racesxsw

about a minute ago

ayse: Thanks, tweeps (too many to list) for tweeting the “Can Social Media End Racism” panel. #racesxsw

about a minute ago

lynneluvah: spread knowledge. create refuge. mobilize your base. (things you can do to end racism) #racesxsw

about a minute ago

akili: i never catch up on what the accepted hash tag for each panel is until halfway thru lol #sxsw #racesxsw

about a minute ago

ericajoy: Non-minority friends at #sxsw : Why aren’t you at “Can Social Media End Racism?” #racesxsw

about 2 minutes ago

slamhita: So happy to see that #misosxsw and #racesxsw is so meaningful for #sxsw conference goers 🙂

about 2 minutes ago

BlackWeb20: If you don’t do something different there is just more of the same, we’ll have to make SN different to fight the ‘isims’ #racesxsw #sxsw

about 3 minutes ago

ayse: RT @lizhenry @jsmooth995‘s How to Tell People They Sound Racist: #endracism #racesxsw #sxswi

about 3 minutes ago

CTrouper: RT @racialicious: Can Social Media end racism? We’re going with no – but it is a tool we can use in the struggle. #sxsw #racesxsw

about 3 minutes ago

dykc: RT @misterjt These two morning panels go together like peanut butter and jelly #misosxsw #racesxsw

about 3 minutes ago

niche: If we don’t do something different, there will be more of the same. Take ownership. #racesxsw

about 3 minutes ago

jbrotherlove: #sxsw #racesxsw @jsmooth995: “ending racism” is like brushing your teeth. there will never be a time when you’ve done enough brushing

about 4 minutes ago

That’s Not My Name: Beating Down Misogyny Online

Panelists: Samhita and Ann from Feministing, Amanda Marcotte, and Cecily Walker.

heathr: this is insane, rtwt @lizhenry: Feministing has its own assigned FBI agent to deal with the misogynist threats they get. #misosxsw

about 4 minutes ago

redsugar: Whoa. RT @swirlspice has an appointed FBI agent who they send their threats to #misosxsw

about 7 minutes ago

scryptkeeper: Running from #misosxsw to TAP UT – late!

about 13 minutes ago

ayse: RT @swirlspice Plug #misosxsw into yr fave Twitter search tool 2 follow the Beating Down Online Misogyny #sxsw panel. Podcast will be great.

about 14 minutes ago

niche: Feministing and Pandagon party on Monday. #misosxsw

about 16 minutes ago

epc: My Q: one of the panelists said the tools reinforce the barriers they’re trying to breakdown, examples? #misosxsw

about 16 minutes ago

huffpost: and Pandagon PAR-TAY on Monday night! Check their sites for details! #sxsw #misosxsw -tracyrusso

about 17 minutes ago

tracyrusso: and Pandagon PAR-TAY on Monday night! Check their sites for details! #sxsw #misosxsw

about 17 minutes ago

scryptkeeper: “wmn accepted in mommy, food, wmn’s blog spaces but when we reach into politics, gaming, careerspaces that’s when we get attacked” #misosxsw

about 19 minutes ago

Ms_Krista: #misosxsw I had a blog on the Duke Lacrosse Case…one of the first ones…and whooo…I got some miso names I did’nt know existed

about 19 minutes ago

obiwankimberly: @lizhenry You rock! #misosxsw

about 20 minutes ago

girlonetrack: All #misosxsw folk and bloggers, please visit and support women in tech.

about 20 minutes ago

alizasherman: RT Feministing has its own assigned FBI agent to deal with the misogynist threats they get. #misosxsw #sxswi (via @lizhenry)

about 21 minutes ago

chopapi: RT @lynneluvah: – Photo of #misosxsw panel

about 21 minutes ago

nishachittal: At #misosxsw , the feministing writers told us they have an assigned fbi agent who they go to for all the threats they receive…

about 21 minutes ago

Tweets from The Bootstrap Your Startup Panel

Check out the slideshare prepared by Bijoy for this panel.

niche: Dealing with duality (valley of death) #bootstrapsxsw

about 7 hours ago

niche: Next up: getting customers (or users, followers). people who give you $$ #bootstrapsxsw

about 7 hours ago

niche: BTW, this panel is a great complement to the “Making Ideas Happen”. #bootstrapsxsw

about 7 hours ago

niche: once you decide your journey, then you have to shore up your resources to drive your forward. #bootstrapsxsw

about 7 hours ago

niche: next stage: youPlusU Re: Joseph Campbell, heroes quest. this is your journey. right action, right time #bootstrapsxsw

about 7 hours ago

niche: bootstrap time map : first discover passion, purpose, values. second,you gotta get good #bootstrapsxsw

about 7 hours ago

niche: no definite business model for bootstrap #bootstrapsxsw

about 7 hours ago

niche: funding driven: venture capitalist is the entrepreneur; not the founder. #bootstrapsxsw

about 7 hours ago

niche: three main paths for businesses: cookie cutters, funding driven or bootstrap #bootstrapsxsw

about 7 hours ago

niche: Southwest Airlines is an example of a bootstrap company. #bootstrapsxsw

about 7 hours ago

Tweets From The Women and Feminism Panel

Heather Gold led an interesting yet somewhat meandering panel about feminism, privacy and social networking.

robertgorell: [If you say so, ladies… ] RT @niche: Men use SN to collect as many friends as possible. Women create deeper relationships w/ SN. #femsxsw

about an hour ago

Dramagirl: @Kabren Thanks for tweeting this seminar. Enjoying your encapsulation of the themes and content. #femsxsw

about 2 hours ago

Deltavogue: @niche Interesting… #femsxsw

about 2 hours ago

Kabren: Call for diversity on the web. Who will you be open to hear?#femsxsw

about 2 hours ago

niche: noblesse oblige , yawn! #femsxsw

about 2 hours ago

Kabren: The web: White space. Privileged space. Nobody thinks that the Web is not white. Diversity is one of the most critical factors #femsxsw

about 2 hours ago

Kabren: Counter-publics: alternate public. Layers. Counter to the normative. Notions of universal publics. #femsxsw

about 2 hours ago

Kabren: Being public out of the hope for being out there. Backlash from people who have something to protect. #femsxsw

about 2 hours ago

Kabren: Dealing with conflict: make it private. Obama: More people want to sign onto something more public. #femsxsw

about 2 hours ago

Kabren: At what point does culture become so transparent, where it doesn’t matter? #femsxsw

about 2 hours ago

Kabren: Anonymity: We need anonymous spaces online. Safer? #femsxsw

about 2 hours ago

Kabren: Support for what you do – the moment where you can come home to something safe, where you don’t have to translate. #femsxsw

about 2 hours ago

Kabren: “The process of being public is the most secure thing.” #femsxsw

about 2 hours ago

Kabren: The act of being yourself makes it safe. #femsxsw

about 2 hours ago

Kabren: The Web: Be personal – but that doesn’t work until it is protected. We cannot all be ourselves online. #femsxsw

about 2 hours ago

Tweets From The SXSW Core Conversation: Queerosphere

I’m using Twickie to live tweet and I will post my tweets on the blog.

jeremymeyers: @niche of course. there hasn’t been any homophobia since will and grace, so there wont be any racism post-obama. #queersxsw

about 19 minutes ago

niche: turning community spaces into IRL community spaces. Use the bars for community activism #queersxsw

about 36 minutes ago

niche: someone just mentioned the Great Schlep. #queersxsw

about 37 minutes ago

niche: being gay does matter and really doesn’t matter at the same time. both statements are true at this time. #queersxsw

about 40 minutes ago

niche: people are talking about hate mail. [we get hate comments on the @cupcakeblog. so much hate online. hatecations for all] #queersxsw

about 51 minutes ago

niche: you may want check out this podcast. #queersxsw

about 54 minutes ago

niche: how many times I hear the word “privilege” today? IMHO noblesse oblige s/b discreet. #queersxsw

about 56 minutes ago

niche: is in room. she’s a vlogger. #queersxsw

about an hour ago

niche: said, “what defines the people in this room is that we are all marginalized” #queersxsw

about an hour ago

niche: Best Gay Bar in Austin is Oil Can Harry’s. It is like a 3-D twitter! #queersxsw

about an hour ago

niche: blog content and it relationship to activism acting as a bridge to the gay community to the geek community #queersxsw

about an hour ago

niche: The is talking about how the digital queer community needs to be more proactive. #queersxsw

about an hour ago

niche: someone was talking about ta-nehisi coates broached a thoughtful discussion about blacks and guys during the election. #queersxsw

about an hour ago

niche: ppl are talking about being out as a blogger. #queersxsw

about an hour ago

niche: at the queerosphere core conversation #queersxsw

about an hour ago

Blacks in Tech Meetup at SXSWi

After a long day of traveling, I made it to Austin just in time to be a panelist on the Blacks in Tech Meetup. The cab driver didn’t know how to get to the Carver Museum nor did he know where 1165 Angelina Street was. I don’t have an iPhone, but a fairly good memory so I remembered looking on the Google Map so I told him it was near 11th Street, so after slowly driving around the east part of town, we made it.

When I got inside, I first saw EJ Flavors and my SXSW roomie Twanna (Funky Brown Chick). After saying hello to a few people including “Papa Bear” George Kelly, the panel commenced.

Jeffery Bowman from Ogilvy moderated the panel which included Baratunde, Lynne D. Johnson, Denise Jacobs and me.

We talked about three main topics: brand, community and social networking tools.

It was a lively and informative discussion. I also met Corvida, Wayne Sutton and a few others who I will start following on Twitter.

Blacks In Tech Meetup

If you are at “South By” check out Denise Jacob’s panel on Monday, “Can the Afrosphere Survive the Age of Obama?” Also, Latoya Peterson from Racialicious is having a panel, “Can Social Media End Racism?”