All posts by Nichelle Stephens

blogger, bookkeeper, comedian-ish, event planner, social media strategist, writer

The Week In Links (January 2)

Happy New Year in New York! Going in reverse order with Friday, January 2 being first.

Friday: Went to see Doubt at the Angelica, then dinner at Rolfs.  I got my wurst on!

Thursday: Hoppin’ John at Kate’s place. The hangover wasn’t too bad.

Wednesday: Lupe’s for dinner,  a drink at the Nancy Whiskey before a very low key and fun party in Tribeca.

Tuesday: EVE EVE party.

Monday: Met with a new client at Variety Cafe in Williamsburg. Bought these cute sneakers from the Tretorn store.

The Week In Links (December 26)

Well, we’re near the end of 2008, a year that has been the most momentous since 2001.

Monday. Met with Debra from Groupable at Once Upon A Tart. Tech Drinks IX was so much fun. Great to see people that I have met in the past year.

Tuesday. Nada.

Wednesday. Watched Top Chef Marathon. Dinner at Spotted PIg.

Thursday. Volunteered at God’s Love We Deliver for Christmas.

Friday.  Post Christmas shopping at Daffy’s.

This Week In Links (December 19)

Monday. Met up with Liza Sabater for coffee (CoffeeMate Pumpkin Spice Creamer is yums).  Visited offices in the MePa. Watched The Hazzards sing, “I Perioded My Pants“.

Tuesday. Attended the PSFK Good Ideas for the Future talk.  Partied with friends at Barramundi for the “I’m Just Sayin” launch party.

Wednesday.  Client holiday lunch at the Society of Illustrators and Jewcy party. Photos from the party on Nick McGlynnn’s Random Night Out.

Thursday. Stopped by the For Your Imagination party, and then the NextNY party.

Friday. Today is a snow job. Happy Holidays!

The Week in Links (December 12)

Sunday, I went to Neal Medlyn, Bridget Everett and Kenny Mellman’s show, “Out Hit Parade“. It was great! After the show, there was a White Trash Xmas party downstairs at the Zipper Theatre.
White Trash XMas Party

Monday I attended the wedding happy hour reception for newly married Jessica Cutler at the Church Lounge of The Tribeca Grand. While at the bar, I spotted Brooke Shields and Chris Noth who were unwittingly part of the reception. Below is the wedding cake.
Wedding Cake!

Wednesday, I stopped by the PR Newser party at Heartland Brewery and after that I went to see Lee Ann Westover and Todd Londagin’s new band, The Peekskill Numismatic Society at Cafe Steinhof.  On  my way to the show, I couldn’t resist buying 2009 glasses for New Year’s Eve.
Thursday I attended the book party for Laurie Rosenwald’s All the Wrong People Have Self Esteem and the party was covered by Just An Online Minute.

Friday, I stopped by Andy Adam Newman’s 2F11, and then over to the Feministing party. Lastly, I went over to 87 Ludlow for a party for new eco-chic line, Black Fly Collection.

The Week In Links (Friday December 5)

Over the holiday weekend, I had several beers with Tara from Lijit.

Monday: I went to the  first “Hands on Kirtsy” event. It was great to Gabrielle, Laura, Laurie and Gwen.

Tuesday: Collective-E party. I chatted with Erica, the Spacialist. Shoshi was there, too.

Wednesday: Belated birthday dinner at Prune.

Thursday: Cupcakes Take The Cake Anniversary Party.  I organized this party in two weeks, and it got listed in the New York Times, Serious Eats, Grub Street, and something called Yahoo Events, which I guess is Upcoming.

Friday:  Breakfast was LikeMind in Brooklyn,  then lunch at the AAUW luncheon at Rockefeller Plaza. Then I went to movies to see Cadillac Records, and then Geek Girl Dinner, and Lupes and dancing in Don Hill’s.  I ran into author Tony O’Neill and his wife at Don Hill’s which reminds me that I have to get his new book, Down and Out on Murder Mile.

Thrillist 3rd Anniversary Party

PB249059, originally uploaded by Logged Hours.

Since I am all about pre-gaming for my birthday, my friends and I stopped by the Thrillist party after the Agency Spy party last night. When we got there, the line outside was almost around the block, but luckily Flavie, Thrillist’s wonderful Director of Communications, got us in quickly. It was good to see old friends and a new one, Marlo from Sweet Revenge. She was there because her delicious cupcakes were there. I just wish that the were not displayed in plastic cups, but the party people were probably too busy dancing  and/or hooking up to notice. The party was crazy crowded which facilitated a cameo appearance by us before dashing out to grab dinner at Mr. Dennehy’s. The server there was nice and the food was pretty tasty. Carmine Street is quickly becoming one of my new favorite places in the Village.