All posts by Nichelle Stephens

blogger, bookkeeper, comedian-ish, event planner, social media strategist, writer

Fun Day

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red velvet cupcake eaters, originally uploaded by nichellest.

Blink and you may have missed it. There was a short but sweet cupcake parade in Fort Greene today celebrating Cake Man Raven’s eight anniversary. Dozens of Red velvet cupcakes were doled out to everyone on Fulton Street.

Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz declared that Red Velvet Cupcakes by Cake Man Raven are the best. I had two cupcakes and I concur. Marty also said that for today (July 20, 2008) the cupcakes were zero calories. You gotta love a politician who can tell a blatant but funny lie. 🙂  See more photos on my Cupcake Parade Flickr Set.

Pig Roast at 3rd Ward


pork taco and wooden leg, originally uploaded by nichellest.

Despite the heat, I went to the 1st annual Pig Roast at 3rd Ward.

When I first arrived, I saw Brownie (Alex) from Blondie and Brownie. We chatted and waited in line to get our pork taco platters which included grilled corn, pinto beans and coleslaw. I opted to have a Wooden Leg, a nice rye whiskey cocktail.

Zach Brooks from Midtown Lunch and Serious Eats was there serving up tacos while hanging out with the folks from Brooklyn Kitchen.

I also met Erin, a brand new transplant to New York who also writes for Serious Eats. BTW, I am amazed at 3rd Ward’s artist and coworking space. Now that I know how to get out to East Williamsburg, I will visit 3rd Ward again. No pig required.

Kiss Me Deadly

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killmeloudly, originally uploaded by nichellest.

Last night I went to see “Kill Me Loudly“, a very funny play. It is a clown noir starring Deanna Fleysher, Chris Manley, Chris Roberti and Jeff Seal. These four are NOT scary clowns that perform at children’s parties. They are sexy, crazy, acrobatic clowns who had me howling with laughter throughout the show.

I highly recommend going if you want to laugh. Plus, you get to see guys playing with paddles and stripped down to their skivvies.

Milagro Theater at Clemente Soto Velez
107 Suffolk between Delancey and Rivington
$15 (to purchase tickets go to Brown Paper Tickets)


Saturday, July 19 8PM
Friday, July 25 8PM
Saturday, July 26 8PM


Via Email from Welsh Assembly Gov’t: There’s a new self-guided walking tour of Greenwich Village, New York, visiting ten places associated with Dylan Thomas has newly been published by the Welsh Assembly Government’s New York office. The tour has been written by Aeronwy Thomas, daughter of Dylan, and Swansea poet Peter Thabit Jones. You can print out the tour by going to Dylan Thomas.

Via Brooklyn Based Artists Wanted, heads to Chelsea to host a block party outside White Box gallery for the opening of Kim Holleman’s Solo Show, “TRASHNAMI! CIRCA 2012: Ruminations on a Changing World,” where her surreal “land art,” like a massive, trash-bag tidal wave and mobile public park (a k a “Trailer Park”) will be installed. Outside, a flatbed truck will stage DJs for the celebratory street party. July 17th, 6- 11 pm, 525 West 26 St.,

Purple Haze

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purple haze hot dogs, originally uploaded by nichellest.

It’s been an action packed week with parties, shows, and a hot dog cook-off.

I went to Neal Medlyn’s Unpronounceable Symbol show at PS 122.  I may go again next week since Bridget Everett will be making a cameo.  The show was reviewed by the New York Times.

Thursday, I went to see Little Jackie perform at the Steve Madden store on Rivington. Their new album, The Stoop, is out now.

Friday, I chilled out with friends at Prospect Park to celebrate Brian Van’s birthday and listen to The Brazilian Girls.

Yesterday, I competed in the Third Annual Great Hot Dog Cookoff. My purple haze hot dogs are pretty and tasty.

Today, I found out that I am featured in an article about clothing swaps in New York Daily News. Yay!


Subway Crush

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Erin and Her Cello, originally uploaded by Anya Garrett.

Fresh off their sold out show at Joe’s Pub, Erin and Her Cello are doing a special show with a full band on July 26th at Ars Nova. Drawing on the everyday joys and indignations of life in New York City, Erin and Her Cello offers up an evening of quirky and vivacious songs that are undeniably unique and funny as hell! Erin, a cute and kooky songstress, and her stringed soul mate will unspool a night of original storytelling tunes that skillfully melds jazz, pop, comedy and blues.

You can buy her CD on iTunes, Amazon and CDBaby.

Also listen to her songs on ReverbNation.

Independent Women

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4th of july hat-nichelle, originally uploaded by nichellest.

I survived three 4th of July parties with only a few bruises from the plastic chair debacle.

Saturday was hangover brunch followed by a nap and then one 5th of July party where I learned a lot about allergies from a doctor who golfs and takes lots of cabs.

Today, I made a small batch of strawberry chicken salad.  This afternoon, I may go see The Wackness. I hope it is not wack.