All posts by Nichelle Stephens

blogger, bookkeeper, comedian-ish, event planner, social media strategist, writer

Strawberry Wine

california strawberries

Yesterday, I attended the Top Berry Luncheon hosted by the California Strawberry Commission. Lunch as prepared by Top Chef’s CJ and it was delicious. First we had a strawberry sensory tasting which involved eating strawberries with savory items like balsamic vinegar, radicchio and jalepenos. Then we watched as CJ prepared braised lamb chop with a strawberry gastrique.

lamb chop w/strawberry gastrique

For dessert, there was a goat cheese tart with strawberry and walnut.

strawberry goat cheese tart
I met/ran into two fellow FoodBuzz publishers, Feisty Foodie and No Recipes. Thanks to Foodbuzz for inviting me!

Freedom Of Choice

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jellybean cupcakes at drop i.o party, originally uploaded by nichellest.

I saw these cupcakes with jellybeans at the Drop i.o party In DUMBO and I thought, “Type 2 Diabetes”. I chose not to eat them, mainly because I have indulged this week with cupcakes at Batch with Blondie and Brownie and RKB on Monday Plus  cookies at Crumbs Bakeshop with Mia Bauer. I  also re-met Chrysanthe who work at and competed in the Cupcake Cook-off last month.

After the party, I went with the Kap to see Devo. We missed the Tom Tom Club, but it was a blast!

Related: Centernetworks’ blog post about last night’s party.



Lazy Lover

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Lazy Gladiator Sandals, originally uploaded by nichellest.

With no ankle strap, these lazy gladiator sandals are not for the arena. I’m more of a lover than a fighter anyway, so they’re cool with me.

Graffiti Bridge

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manhattanbridge cloudy, originally uploaded by nichellest.

Today was fun walking around lower Manhattan and East Village. First, there was a clothing swap at St. Margaret’s House.  Then, my friends and I dodged the rain by walking under the overpass by the East River. We saw the structure for the New York City Waterfalls, a new public art project that will be on display starting  June 26.

Later we went to The Delancey for rooftop BBQ, and later went to listen to experimental music from composer Barney McAll.

I Would Die 4 U

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originally uploaded by nichellest.

The “no booze diet” is not gonna work for me because I am way too social and plus I like a good drink. The solution came to me today when I met David Wales at LikeMind. He gave a card for the Prudent Boozers Society which advocates the “4 floor program”.

  1. savor the 1st drink
  2. sip the 2nd
  3. nurse the third
  4. skip the fourth

Since I often go to several events in one night, my new rule is this. I am only staying for one drink. If I stay longer than one drink, then I have to skip the next event.

Speaking of social, last Friday I went to Ted and Amy Supper Club hosted by Kara. Alex took loads of pictures and I can be really intense when playing Connect Four.

Under The Sea

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wig, originally uploaded by nichellest.

The Mermaid Parade is next Saturday and I may wear this wig–or not.

Maybe I should dye my hair.

I went to two different Walgreen’s and I couldn’t find mud mask.

I am going to try to get more sleep.

It’s mid-June already?!