All posts by Nichelle Stephens

blogger, bookkeeper, comedian-ish, event planner, social media strategist, writer

2020 Wrapped

It’s December 2nd, and I want to put a fork into year because 2020 is done. According to Spotify, the top five artists that I listened to were Beyonce, Solange, Prince, Marvin Gaye and Jill Scott. Podcast-wise, my top five are The Daily Zeitgeist, The Read, Make Me Smart, Keep It and The Black Guy Who Tips.

I am not going home for Christmas. It will be another Zoom holiday for me. I am buying gifts. I am sending some cards. I miss people.

In the meantime, I plan to write more and podcast more.

Check out this week’s Nichelle Newsletter.


It’s two weeks away and it may be the loneliest holiday this year so far. I have spent Thanksgiving away from my family before but my this year many people will be doing the same. It’s dark earlier and I think seasonal affective disorder is going to hit hard. So what we do? Dance. Laugh. Call a friend. Watch something that soothes you. Talk a walk. Do what you can to thrive this season.


I have had my suspicions about Deutsche Bank since July 2017. I used to work at Two World Financial Center in the early aughts. I was an auditor at a Big Four accounting firm. I was going to try to use Threadreader to unroll my tweets, but my tweets are actually OLDER than Threadreader which joined Twitter in August of 2017. So I am going old school and doing a blog post.

  1. Deutsche Bank is a publicly traded company on the NYSE. The stock symbol is DB.
  2. Deutsche Bank’s private wealth division has been giving loans to Trump Organization for years.
  3. Namely, Rosemary Vrablic at Deutsche Bank’s private wealth division has approved these loans.
  4. Deutsche Bank have been loaning the Trump Organization millions of dollars for years. These loans are high risk.
  5. How it is that Deutsche Bank corporate board and stockholders are cool with giving risky loans to the Trump Organization?
  6. Did they do due diligence? Did they go over the Trump Organization’s books before approving the loans?
  7. The Trump Organization is NOT a publicly traded company. It’s not a C-Corp or an S-Corp. It’s an LLC. Their finances don’t have to be public.
  8. However, if Deutsche Bank is to lend the LLC, they should have reviewed an income statement and/or tax refunds.
  9. Anybody and their mama can set up an LLC. I am not disparaging LLCs, but a highly leveraged business like the Trump Organization makes it hard to exit.
  10. They have limited options when it comes to financing. They can’t raise money with a stock offering. There are a few options: filing bankruptcy, seek out acquisition, or get loans.
  11. Trump Org would never want to be acquired, so it has been bankruptcy or loans to stop the BLEEDING.
  12. So if Deutsche Bank flips on the Trump Organization, it’s all over. FOLLOW THE MONEY.
  13. If you have shares in Deutsche Bank ( might be in an index fund), you should be an activist shareholder and demand to know what happened.
  14. In addition, how does the accounting firm who audits Deutsche Bank’s explain the 270 million in loan forgiveness? Is it in the footnotes of the financial report.


Yesterday, I saw this TikTok video from Curly Velasquez. I don’t know them personally, but I know he works with my friend Alexis at Pero, Like. This video is my motivation. Celebrating my friends’ success makes me feel good.

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GET A HORSE hoe and let’s go!!!

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Congrats to Michelle Buteau on her Netflix Special!

Congrats to Cathy Erway on her new book!

Congrats to Rod and Karen on their Spotify deal!

The latest edition of my food and culture newsletter, Nichelle Newsletter is up. It’s between fake fall and second summer. I don’t know why I know so many people who are celebrating a birthday today, but I guess I have a lot of Libras in my life.


‘Mad Men’ was a show that illuminated to me how people can compartmentalize their life. I think that’s one of the reasons why I like the show. iOS 14 update has compartmentalize my phone which is basically the same thing as compartmentalize my life. Those widgets are everything.

Daily: I post on Instagram. I look for articles to create posts for Keeping Nickels.

Work is fine. I work from home a few hours a week. I work out of home about 20 hours a week.

Weekly creations: I publish a free newsletter weekly, Nichelle Newsletter. I record a podcast weekly or at least twice a month.

Monthly production: I host a monthly comedy show here in Savannah.

Various projects: I am creating collage cards and send to friends. I am crocheting an afghan for my bed.

Keeping Nickels is Back

I have relaunched my blog about fintech and personal finance, Keeping Nickels. I started Keeping Nickels over a decade as a way to keep up with fintech startups and share personal finance tips. My latest posts have been about the payroll tax deferral and withdrawal from retirement account. Next week, I will be attending Finovate. Finovate is a fintech conference. This year’s conference will be virtual.

It Was The THIrd Of September

Hi ya’ll. We are sweating our way toward Labor Day weekend.

Check out the latest edition of my food and culture newsletter, Nichelle Newsletter. This edition features potato salad, poultry plants and salt for white people.

In addition, check out my podcast Nichelle Newsletter podcast. I talk about seasoning your food.

I am posting again on my personal finance and fintech blog, Keeping Nickels.

New WOrd: Manesia

One of my favorite podcasts is Who? Weekly, a celebrity podcast. They often talk about “face blindness” which is when an actor resembles other actors and causes confusion. Well, “face blindness” is similar to a term I coined years ago.

Friends typically create a shorthand language either by body language or by words or even sounds that express so much with so little. At some point, I was going to catalog my squad’s dictionary, but I quit after this one word- Manesia. Manesia is a funny portmanteau combining man and amnesia.

Though I created the term years ago, there’s a meme that popped up last year that perfectly sums up what manesia. When Keke Palmer did the Vanity Fair and didn’t recognize Dick Chaney, she inadvertently started the meme, “Sorry To This Man“.

Manesia (noun) — forgetting who a man is even if you have been introduced before to him several times. This happens mainly because men tend to dress similarly in a uniform of untucked striped shirts, jeans, and New Balance sneakers. Also, there is not a lot of diversity of facial hair or haircut style, so it may be difficult to differentiate one guy from others. Women primarily get manesia, but this condition can affect both men and women. A good way to combat manesia is for more men to obtain a personality, be charming and gracious. European accents help as well.