All posts by Nichelle Stephens

blogger, bookkeeper, comedian-ish, event planner, social media strategist, writer

Walk Of Shame Shopping

A few years ago, my friend Erin Hall of Erin and The Cello wrote a fun song called “Walk Of Fame”. Some of the lyrics go like this:

It’s not the walk of shame.
No! No! No!
It’s called the walk of fame.
Yo! Ho! Ho!

Summer’s here and people tend to get a bit frisky with the more sunlight and warmer weather. Hooking up on a school night can be fun; that’s totally cool. However, it can be a pain in the ass (no pun intended) clothing-wise the next day especially for a chick. Women CANNOT wear the same outfit to work two days in a row. Therefore, “walk of shame” Shopping is the only solution. Here are a few recommendations.

  1. If you hook-up downtown, you best bet is to go to Century 21 (22 Cortlandt Street). It opens at the crack of dawn at 7:45 AM, Monday Through Friday.
  2. Most Gaps/Old Navys open at 10AM, except for the ones near Times Square which may open at 9AM and the one at 6th Ave around 46th Street opens at 8 AM
  3. K-Mart on Astor Place (yes it may come to this) opens early. I think as early as 8AM, but I have to confirm.
  4. Chinatown is usually a no- go because all you will find of knock-off of Louie Vuitton bags and I LOVE NY T-shirts. This would be good only if your “walk of shame” morning coincides with Halloween and you could say that you are in costume as a tourist.
  5. For the fast-fashion cheap fashionistas, there’s Strawberry. The one at Grand Central opens at 8AM.
  6. Here a proactive option: If after a few drinks during happy hour, you are 99.9% that you going home with the musician/writer/vegan that you are talking to, stop by the American Apparel store on the Lower East Side (183 East Houston St) which stays open to 10PM on weeknights. An outfit may only set you back $50. It’s worth it; besides, the guy is gonna pay for the taxi  Uber to Astoria or East Bushwick.  Right?!

Erotic City

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Financial District Art, originally uploaded by nichellest.


Yesterday I had a blast.  To beat the heat, I went to a matinee showing of Sex and The City down at Battery Park.  Despite what the critics have said, I really enjoyed it.  It was great to see a cameo by Bridget Everett of At Least It’s Pink.

Later, I went to see another movie, “The Edge of Heaven“.  It was a foreign film with no happy ending.  It was the opposite of “Sex and The City” but one of the actors looked like “Berger”.

Even later, I went to see Brown Girls Burlesque tribute to Prince.  It was phenomenal. All of the performers are great dancers and very sexy. Plus the crowd sang along to almost every Prince song.




Ma and Pa

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Mom Shops Online While Dad Sits, originally uploaded by nichellest.

Regina and Roy, my parents, are celebrating their 38th anniversary today. Last week I went to a gay wedding for PJ and Marty, and I hope they will also spend many years together being married.

Walk On By

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Movie Poster, originally uploaded by nichellest.

I saw this movie poster as I walked home from the Sex and The City party late last night. The party was so much fun. I met some wonderful people. Funny that the party was in Fort Greene Brooklyn where I doubt Carrie & friends would hang out.

BTW, I didn’t find out until last night that there is a 7-11 on Fifth Avenue in Park Slope.

Also cosmos, pink champagne, and cupcakes make for a killer hangover. What was I thinking?!

Rising Up

Saturday, I went to the 16th Annual Park Slope Open Studio Tour. My friends and I started the tour at MadArts, a group artist studio in South Slope. We met some innovative artists including Paul Mallo, Joetta Maue, Jimmy Fountain and Brooke Toczylowski. Then we stopped Richard Egan’s house, as well as few other places before hopping on a bus to get to a fashion/art party in an area of Brooklyn that I like to call Pro-Crow (Prospect Heights/Crown Heights). Later, we went to a  couple of ICFF design parties in Soho and drank champagne out of a can.


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carrot cupcake, originally uploaded by nichellest.

This has been a real sweet week, and today was great. I attended a media luncheon at Tavern on the Green to announce the kick-off for Cancer Care’s Annual Cupcakes For a Cause Bake Sale Season. Clare Crespo, our inspiration for the cupcake blog, was there giving tips on baking  fun cupcakes!

Duncan Hines is the national sponsor and the cupcake is from their new decadent carrot cake mix which is really good!