All posts by Nichelle Stephens

blogger, bookkeeper, comedian-ish, event planner, social media strategist, writer

Easter Monday

The Monday after Easter used to be holiday adjacent like the Friday after Thanksgiving. Today is just another Monday in the time of pandemic.

As of April 13th, there have been 22,151 deaths in the United States. (source: Wikipedia).

Here’s some good news: Director Robert Townsend has a new documentary about the making of the classic movie, The Five Heartbeats. It will start streaming on April 14. I will be watching.

I am drinking lots of water today. My temp is normal. I feel physically good, taking it one day at a time.

Wednesday’s Quarantine Journal

Bernie Sanders dropped out. If he saw the people in Wisconsin risking their lives to vote yesterday in the primary, then I think it weighed heavily on his mind. The current president won’t let us vote by mail in November. He is not leaving office unless his health goes bad. We live in an authoritarian who is flanked by two branches who are enabling this regime.

I made brownies yesterday.

Money Monday

People are trying to figure out how to make money. Cam girls are doing more business. Law firms are offering 50% off of estate planning.

Meanwhile, I am trying to not get the virus. I also don’t want to pass it on to anyone. I am eating well. I had sardine salad with mixed greens and a boiled egg.

I don’t understand why people think 5G is responsible for the coronavirus. Is this the hill (or cell phone tower) that people want to DIE on?

It’s Palm Sunday

It’s Palm Sunday. Isn’t it ironic that it is Palm Sunday and you can’t go to church and shake hands? The other day I talked to my sister who is a doctor and one of her main concern with slowing the spread of coronavirus via fomites. I had never heard of fomites until this week. Fomites are objects or materials which are likely to carry infection, such as clothes, utensils, and furniture.

I slow cooked some sea island red peas that I got from the farm box that The Grey gave out to employees and service industry people. Thank you to the Solomons who sponsored this week’s farm box.

This week in TikTok trends: the #SavageChallenge has been superseded by the #DontRushChallenge. The #DontRushChallenge seems to have been started by Black beauty influencers, then Black professionals like doctors and military, Nigerians and now celebrities. I just saw one that some of the actors from Orange is the New Black.

Check out some of the best #DontRushChallenge videos.

I watched Uncorked on Netflix and I loved it. I only wished there was more Niecy Nash.

It’s Friday. Does It Matter?

What day is it? What does time mean any more? One of the funniest things I saw on #TikTok is a woman saying that the worst purchase she made this year is 2020 planner. All of our plans have been canceled or delayed.

Bill Withers‘ passing almost broke me. His song, ‘Grandma’s Hands’ reminds me of the wisdom of both my grandmothers.

NEW NORMAL: Ryan Broderick of Buzz Feed has written an almost all-encompassing, macro look at how the pandemic has changed the world forever.

TOO SOON: There’s a great article by Megan Garber about comedy during the pandemic and there’s nothing too soon because the concept of time has totally changed.

The animals have taken over, and we humans are the ones in cages.

Three is the Magic Number

It’s hump day which means something when you work a full-time job. Today it means the first of the month, no joke. Literally, there are no joke today, because April Fool’s Day is canceled. I never really like April Fool’s because I don’t like pranks. The global pandemic doesn’t mix well with pranking friends and family.  I zoomed with five people, four friends and one client. In the 1970’s ZOOM was a TV show on PBS. Now it is app for people to make conference calls. BTW, I am hankering for sweets. I guess I will grab an orange later. I didn’t wear a bra today. For some reason, my skin is soft. Or maybe I just like touching my upper torso. I have wonderful friends. I am lucky.

Journal Track 2

Tuesday’s are typically good. There are Taco  Tuesdays of course. For me, Tuesday’s are comedy. I ran a weekly comedy show on Tuesdays for nearly four years. This Tuesday is fun because we have finally ended the month of MARCH. March 2020 has been the longest month ever.  We have a whole ass global pandemic happening. Today is my nephew’s birthday. He is four.  Today is also the day that Nipsey  and Selena died.  Everything is fucked up right now, but I am drinking beer and chatting with service industry friends on IG Live. Connection is key to community. We need everyone to combat the pandemic. Laughing is part of the cure.

Last night I started watching ‘High Fidelity” on Hulu.  I read both  the Nick Hornby book and seen the movie starring John Cusack. I love Zoe Kravitz as the lead. I had a lightbulb moment while watching. I realized that in all my years of dating and fucking that no one has ever proposed marriage to me.  I  will probably die alone.

Why Is Everything Chrome? CoronaVirus Journal

It’s Monday.  I made popovers but they didn’t pop.  I FaceTimed with my sister Jamilah, and I saw Bo.   We talked about collagen supplements and gray hairs on our temples.   I tried to claim my UI benefit, but it’s not available online yet. At least I got the letter in the mail. What else?  I play Word Search all the time.  I watch Tik Tok videos.  I hope that someone I know doesn’t die of #CoronaVirus.