All posts by Nichelle Stephens

blogger, bookkeeper, comedian-ish, event planner, social media strategist, writer

Back From A Hiatus

Hello! It’s been nearly a year since I have written a post. I could say that I have been busy, but I think that long form writing is harder for me to do.  I am going to post a lot for the month of March. I have a new job working in the service industry, and I love it! I have made new friends. I am now running a new monthly standup comedy show here in Savannah. I am co-hosting the show with Bill Cooper who is a comedian and actor.  The next show is Thursday, March 26th at Starland Yard.  Starland Yard is a food truck park in the neighborhood.

I try to photos of my breakfast daily.

I am obsessed with watching TikTok videos and playing Word Relax on my phone.  Other than that I watch Netflix and listen to podcasts. I have been growing my Facebook Page, Gnatty Savannah and its accompanying Instagram page. I am focusing on featuring local Savannah businesses including restaurants, bars, and shops.  I also post events.

Southern Boomerangs Need To Fight Coastal Flooding

Nichelle Stephens

One of my favorite short stories is Flannery O’ Connor’s “Everything That Rises Must Converge.” It is the story of two generations facing a changing South. I was born in Alabama and grew up in suburban Atlanta. After living in Ohio and New York for about 15 years before moving to Savannah, I now call myself a Southern Boomerang. I’m still waiting for that term to catch on!

Boomerangs like me tend to bounce back when faced with changing situations or unexpected events. But to tackle Coastal Georgia’s most pressing environmental issues in the short and long term — from increased flooding during high tides, to surging sea-levels, to the increase in severe weather events such as Hurricanes Irma and Matthew — we’re going to need an entire community of boomerangs. We’re going to need resilience, which refers to the collective capacity for communities to recover quickly from natural disasters.

One community organization that is helping to make Savannah resilient is OpenSavannah. It blends community organizing, technology, and service design to help make local government work better in the digital age. As a member of OpenSavannah since it started in 2017, I and other volunteers have worked on a number of civic tech projects to help make Savannah become more resilient in the face of rising sea levels.

But to make our efforts at creating a more resilient Savannah actually matter on the scale they need to be effective, we need to ramp up our efforts beyond the current ad hoc volunteer level. Last week, we got just the boost we needed. Three OpenSavannah members — myself, Rob Lingle and Carl V. Lewis — were honored to be selected as fellows in one of just seven teams from across Code for America’s 78-city national network to participate in the 2019 Code for America Community Fellowship program.

As community fellows, we now transition into paid full-time and part-time roles focused solely on tackling a specific issue unique to our city. For us, the decision to select coastal resilience and emergency response was obvious. Our fellowship project joins the existing Smart Sea Level Sensors consortium from Georgia Tech, city of Savannah, Chatham County, and Chatham Emergency Management Agency. We plan to augment the project by getting more residents involved in the process, especially residents from underserved communities at the greatest risk to rising sea-levels.

Last week at our on-boarding in San Francisco, the Savannah team attended training on human-centered design — in other words, how to design products with the end user in mind by conducting user research with actual residents and putting those needs at the center of the process.

The first step in our project is to get out and talk to residents. In this case, we will be working alongside neighborhood association presidents in West Savannah where the effects of sea-level-rise will be most immediate and damaging — along with local nonprofit The Harambee House/Citizens for Environmental Justice and the city of Savannah’s Office of Sustainability — to hold a series of workshops to gather local knowledge about flooding events from the people who know it best: Those who live there.

By layering that ground-truth data from residents on top of the existing data collected from the sea-level sensors, we hope to get a holistic view of where localized flooding happens most, what might be done to mitigate its effects, and also provide valuable local insight to first responders to help prioritize relief and response efforts in the aftermath of a storm surge event.

Overall, our goal for this six-month fellowship is to combine quantitative data from sea-level-sensors with ground-truth data collected from Savannahians living in impacted communities to build tools and techniques that help create a more resilient, responsive, and equitable coastal Georgia. We want to inform the most vulnerable citizens about rising sea levels, listen to their stories, and empower them with knowledge and resources.

First World?

What happens when a first world country is governed like a third world dictatorship?! We have been living like this for over two years, but no one wants to admit ir. We actually could learn a lot from immigrants who moved here escaping dictators and authoritarian rule. We need to hear their voices. Give them a platform.

Who Is A Genius?

Ain’t I A Woman? Ain’t I Genius?

I get excited every year when the MacArthur Genius are announced.  I first heard about the award on an episode of the NBC show ‘Mad About You’, and I was struck that an organization can deem people as geniuses.  I wanted to be a genius when I was younger.  I thought of myself as being as smarter than average.

However, I have awful study habits, and I hated college. I have one bachelor’s degree, and I don’t see a Ph.D. in my future.  It doesn’t take a strong academic career to be a genius.  It takes a body of great work and a lot of people to confer that you are one.

Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson, Prince- geniuses.

I never thought of Kanye West as a genius.  I don’t think of Donald Glover as one (yet).

Most of the geniuses we talk about are men.  However,  it doesn’t mean that men are more likely to be geniuses.

Who are the black women geniuses?  It is hard to come up with a deep bench of black women geniuses mainly because they are not often afforded the opportunity to create with limits.

These are some of the ones I have thought of:

Lorraine Hansberry, Audre Lorde.

Toni Morrison, Oprah, Kara Walker, Beyonce Janelle Monae.

Comedian Rae Sanni tweeted this and it was like she read my mind.


Also this tweet by  @stankofa:

Women Writing Cool Stuff

I just sent out my first Tinyletter of 2018.  It features women who are writing cool things.

Happy New Year!
I hope you had a relaxing holiday season. 2018 is going to be good. Now it’s time to get to work.
To help you ease back, I highly suggest listening to Hit Parade podcast episode featuring
Donna Summer.​

Anya Kamanetz has a book that it is a must-have for parents, The Art of Screen Time. The book guide parents on how to balance screen time with their kids. It comes out later this month, but you can pre-order it today.

Imani Perry has written a scholarly book about the Black National Anthem, May We Forever Stand: A History of the Black National Anthem.​ The book comes out in February but you can pre-order it today.

Roni Dean-Burren wrote about the Black Church on the website Black Youth Project, Church makes me sick: How Black Christians are Stalling Black Liberation

Graeme Seabrook wrote the essay on Medium, The Currency Question: Why Is it So Hard For Y’all To Give Black Women Money?

Reviewing the new tax bill, filing 1099s by the end of January for clients, and hosting a Facebook Live on Thursday, January 4th at 8PM about income taxes.

Twitter Thread on Black Women Comedians

About two weeks ago, I created a Twitter thread about Black women comedians. I will continue to add the Twitter handles of comedians to keep the thread fresh.  In the meantime, I am posting the text of the thread here.  Hopefully, someone will use this list as a resource when looking for black women comedians.  I did the homework for you, so all you have to do is check out the clips online and hire them.

Amber Ruffin, Dulce Sloan, Robin Thede and Yamaneika Saunders. Do you know who they are?!  You should.

Black women comedians finally got a chance to get voices heard on late night tv.
Amber Ruffin does regular recurring segments on @LateNightSeth. She talks about race, gender and pop culture.
Dulce Sloan is a new correspondent to @TheDailyShow. She has been stand up comedy for years.
Yamaneika Saunders (@Yameneika) is a stand-up comedian. I am not sure if she has been on @FallonTonight before this week.
Robin Thede is the host of her show on BET. She was formerly the head writer of the Nightly Show.
So when the hashtag #blackwomen started trending on Wednesday morning, some of the late night shows scrambled to have black women represented. It is a damn shame that it took a special election in Alabama for black women comedians to get some attention.
I am going to all the comedians that I know in the thread who should get some shine. Follow them.
I will continue to add the Twitter handles of black women comedians into the new year and beyond. #comedians

Molly Crabapple’s Rules For Creative Success In The Internet Age

Now that the new tax bill has been passed, creatives have to really look at how they can survive financially, because itemizing deductions is basically obsolete. Coincidentially, I remembered this excellent article by Molly Crabapple that outlines her rules for creative success. Molly Crabapple is an artist who I met over ten years ago in Brooklyn. She is someone that knows her worth, and doesn’t romanticize the idea of being a struggling artist. Molly wrote this excellent post for Boing Boing, and I keep referring creatives to it. Now that I am blogging about it, I know I will always have it.

This is her second rule, but it is number one in my book:

2. Companies are not loyal to you. Please never believe a company has your back. They are amoral by design and will discard you at a moment’s notice. Negotiate aggressively, ask other freelancers what they’re getting paid, and don’t buy into the financial negging of some suit.

First Thoughts On The New Tax Bill

If you have a job where you get a W-2, and you don’t itemize then you are good. The new standard deduction for a single person is $12,000. If you used to itemize on a schedule A, then things are changing. Some people may want to run out and create an LLC, but I would advise to estimate your tax bill pre and post the new tax bill before doing that. Don’t panic and incur more expenses that you have to.

I am going to wait until tax professionals analyze the bill and add more to this post when I know more.



Nichellest Interview: Pauline Millard

This interview of Pauline Millard was originally posted on Gothamist in January of 2005.

The Basics.
Astrological Sign.
I was born on June 21st, which puts me on the cusp of Gemini and Cancer. However, I feel like I am more Gemini, since Geminis tend to be social and talkative and, quite honestly, a little flighty.
Day job/Bad habit.
Day to day I work on the online desk at The Associated Press. All news, all the time. I’ve been there almost five and a half years.
Bad Habit: When I am under stress I bite my nails, which is a shame because I have long fingers that look really nice when they are manicured. I could be a hand model!
Where did you grow up and where do you live now?
I grew up in Norwalk, Connecticut…just about an hour or so from New York City. The former Mets first baseman Mo Vaughn is also from Norwalk. His father, Leroy Vaughn, was the principal of my middle school. Currently I live in Gramercy, in Manhattan, with an overweight tabby cat named Pookie.
Two For YOU.
What’s more fun: singing or writing?
Off hand I will say singing is more fun, because there is still so much that I don’t know about it or where I want to go with it. This past weekend I sang some back up vocals on a sort of electronic/rock song. But I’ve also done opera and some big choral pieces at Carnegie Hall (twice). A few summers ago I even picked up a guitar and performed an Indigo Girls song at a coffee house in the East Village, mostly because I felt the need to be a cliche. Writing, by and large, is my job. It’s what pays my rent and stuffs my 401K. It comes pretty naturally. I don’t fear doing it the way I sometimes fear new music.
What makes your mouth water?
I have always had a thing for red headed men with brown eyes, the kind that get tan in the sun as opposed to burning. They’re pretty rare. And, I have also been obsessed with the musical, “A Chorus Line” since I was nine years old. I actually got to see it when it was originally at the Shubert Theater in New York City back in the 1980s. Oh happy day, it’s even coming back to Broadway in September 2006. Worlds are colliding!
Which New Year’s resolution will you break in less than a week?I always say that I will improve my knowledge of the Russian language, because there is a large chunk of mother’s side of my family who speaks it. It never happens. Gavnot! (That means ‘Shit!’)
Who would you stalk if you were guaranteed NOT to be caught?
John Mayer. But it would pain me to see him with other women.
What’s the best place in New York for semi-public sex?
I would guess at night in the non-scary parts of Central Park.
How many take-out menus do you have in your apartment?
None, actually. I live in a basement apartment so if I need food or other rations I make a point to go outside and be in the land of the living. Otherwise, it’s just my cat and I speaking in tongues and surrounded by bad Chinese food.
What’s your favorite dessert/high carb indulgence?
Since I was a wee Pauline I have had an inexplicable obsession with orange sherbet. So much so that I know a relationship is getting serious when a guy starts keeping it in his freezer for me.
Complete this sentence: “2005 will be known as the year of _____”.
It will be the year that I finally get an agent and make some sense out that novel I wrote last year. OK, that’s one part of writing that I fear. The publishing industry is all so subjective, kind of like the way you don’t know if you’re going to hit a tough note when it really matters most. Maybe that’s why I keep pursuing the singing: It keeps my mind off the writing.

Nichellest Interview: Beth Schoenfeldt, Entrepreneur

I met Beth Schoenfeldt when I took goddess classes at Mama Gena’s School of Womanly Arts back in 2001.  She’s an entrepreneur and a mom.  Here’s the original link to Gothamist.


Astrological Sign.

Bad habit/Day job.
My day job is FLOinc, which I have designed to work around my life. Yoga and manicures during the day, no alarm clock, working more in the evening. My good habit is coffee…I can’t wake up and start my day without it.

Where did you grow up and where do you live now? How long have you graced New York with your presence?
I went to high school and college in Texas. I moved to NY to go to
business school at Columbia, but it was just my excuse to get to NY and I never left. I have always felt like a New Yorker, but I have only physically been here for 10 years.

One for You.
How does helping women create movement in their life through FLO (whether through starting businesses, changing careers, or finding a mate) benefit New York and the world?
Creativity and motivation are contagious, so if you get women moving forward in their lives toward their dreams and desires than others follow along…it just takes one to take the leap. We now have hundreds of women in NY in the FLO Incubator, it is a movement.

What is the best improvement to New York City in the last year? 
That is easy, the new MoMA. It is sexy, it is fun, it is decadent, and it is inspiring. Seeing the art in this environment feels luxurious, like hanging out with old friends.

Other than world peace, what do you want for Christmas? 
A book deal from a major publisher and lots of kisses under the mistletoe.

If are given $20, an unlimited Metrocard and a free afternoon, what would you do to treat yourself? 
I would invite friends and go sit outside at Pastis on a beautiful day, drink wine and people watch, it is the best people watching in town.

Now that it’s getting cold, what (or who) do you do to stay warm? 
I have a sweet new honey that keeps me warm…so that along with 16 ply Cashmere sweaters do the trick.

Where is the best place in the city for semi-public sex?
Riverside Park in the summer.

Have you been naughty or nice this year?
I have been nice because I have embraced my naughtiness. Naughtiness is just another form of seduction, which is always nice.

What’s the one thing you miss whenever you leave New York?
The unique and indescribable drug that is the energy of New York. I have searched high and low but you can’t find that energy in any other city.

You’ve been asked to host a holiday party and the only requirement is that you must invite three New York celebrities (alive), who would you extend an invite to? 
Jerry Seinfeld, Jay-Z and Diane Sawyer.

If you could revoke a famous New Yorker’s citizenship, who would it be? 
Rudolph Giuliani. Despite his leadership during 9/11 and other
major contributions such as making the city safer, his relentless
support of George Bush makes me think he’s really just an opportunistic politician, not the moderate man-of-the-people-hero he claims to be. It makes me nervous to ever support a Republican because we put Giuliani in power as a moderate and he then turns around and supports a right-wing conservative government…it just doesn’t feel right…send him away.

FLO Incubator will have a holiday party December 15th. Check out the website for upcoming workshops.