I am so OVER summer. It’s too hot. It’s record breaking hot. My natural hair will not look decent until after Labor Day.
I appreciate laughter. I love comedy. If I can make someone laugh, I have achieved something.
Gawker.com is dead. I thought I would feel some kind of schadenfreude about the end of that website, but I don’t. It’s the end of a blog era. Now I hope someone writes a really good tell-all book and it becomes a Ryan Murphy tv show called, American Blog. Sean Bean can play Nick Denton.
I am back to creating my Nichelle Newsletter, and I promise weekly updates. Subscribe on Tinyletter. So far, I am done two weeks in a row.
I created a Tumblr for my Savannah photos. My goal is for my Savannah content makes the first page of a Google search for Savannah.
I also did a podcast this week. Check it out on Soundcloud.