A new “Spike Lee Joint” is this red apple and ginger flavored vodka. I wonder what it would taste like in a martini, substituting olives for lychee.
Saturday, May 22. Mama O’s Kimchee will be at Greenpoint Food Market sharing a table with Laena from Anarchy In A Jar. It’s condiment heaven!
Saturday, May 22. HyperGender Burlesque has a show called “Diasporic Dreams” featuring the founders of Brown Girls Burlesque, Aurora Boobrealis and Dame Cuchafrita. $15 WOW Cafe Theater.
Ongoing until June 6. Cirque De Soleil OVO is now playing at Randall’s Island. I am proud to say that I know Michelle Matlock who stars in the show. She plays the Ladybug. Many moons ago, Michelle had a one-woman called The Mammy Project. Also, Michelle is in an article in the New York Times about the Dazzle Dancers who I saw at the Siren Festival ages ago. Good Times.
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Financial District Art, originally uploaded by nichellest.
Yesterday I had a blast. To beat the heat, I went to a matinee showing of Sex and The City down at Battery Park. Despite what the critics have said, I really enjoyed it. It was great to see a cameo by Bridget Everett of At Least It’s Pink.
Later, I went to see another movie, “The Edge of Heaven“. It was a foreign film with no happy ending. It was the opposite of “Sex and The City” but one of the actors looked like “Berger”.
Even later, I went to see Brown Girls Burlesque tribute to Prince. It was phenomenal. All of the performers are great dancers and very sexy. Plus the crowd sang along to almost every Prince song.
It's Nichelle With An "N"