First you know this fact: salt plus caramel is a wonderful thing! When I walked around Design Within Reach in Soho sampling the desserts created by Oceana Pastry Chef Jansen Chen, I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw the plate of salty caramel mini donuts. I took a bite and it was love. It was so delicious that I even licked a litle caramel off my pinky finger. There were also cookies, little blueberry cakes, panna cotta and fruit foccacia, but that salty caramel filled donut is the reason I will venture up to Midtown. BTW, Oceana is moving later this summer, September 1st, in a new location at 1221 Avenue of the Americas.
Category Archives: new york city
Cupcakes, Internet Week and Twitter
It’s Wednesday, and I am knee deep in Internet Week with all the conferences, panels and parties.
Today, I am quoted and Cupcakes Take The Cake is linked in a fun article in the LA Times about cupcakes.
BTW, I will one of the 140 characters at the 140 Character Conference on June 16/17. Everyone who is attending on twitter, uses twitter, loves twitter. It will be tweet.
The Mid-Week O’ Links
I am either getting off schedule or trying to blog here twice a week.
Yesterday, I attended the New York Tech Meetup. There were great presentations by Apture, Behance’s Action Method, ExZact, BeamMePitch Sesame Vault and Zemanta. BTW, I am using Zemanta to write this blog post.
I am on the community committee so feel free to contact about upcoming meetups and the big Demo Pit that will take place during Internet Week.
Monday, I shopped a little at New York and Company which always something I love.
Sunday, I flew back from Durham after some quality time with my family.
I recommend checking out Sugar Stacks to find out how much sugar is in what you are eating. I try to save my sugar intake for cupcakes. Speaking of cupcakes, there’s the Cupcake Social on Thursday and Cupcake Crafting at Etsy Labs on Monday. Join the Cupcakes Take The Cake Meetup Group to get the scoop.
Thrillist 3rd Anniversary Party

PB249059, originally uploaded by Logged Hours.
Since I am all about pre-gaming for my birthday, my friends and I stopped by the Thrillist party after the Agency Spy party last night. When we got there, the line outside was almost around the block, but luckily Flavie, Thrillist’s wonderful Director of Communications, got us in quickly. It was good to see old friends and a new one, Marlo from Sweet Revenge. She was there because her delicious cupcakes were there. I just wish that the were not displayed in plastic cups, but the party people were probably too busy dancing and/or hooking up to notice. The party was crazy crowded which facilitated a cameo appearance by us before dashing out to grab dinner at Mr. Dennehy’s. The server there was nice and the food was pretty tasty. Carmine Street is quickly becoming one of my new favorite places in the Village.
The Weeks in Links (November 7)
It was Ad:Tech week with many parties. There was a historical election with many election night parties. It’s been a blast!
Monday at some Ad:Tech party, I finally met Sarah Cooley and Amber Show. Plus, I drank some sweet girl beer, Michelob Ultra with Raspberry Pomegranate.
Tuesday, I was hanging out at the Air America offices watching the early elections returns and carbo-loading on pasta before going to the party in Soho. It was great to see Baratunde Thurston there, yet I wish he was hologrammed into the CNN studios instead of Will.I. Am.
Wednesday, I had a election night hangover/euphoria but got back into the swing of things by attending the Akamai launch party at IAC.
Thursday was quiet.
Tonight, I am going to see the Sweet Divines at the Tribeca 92 Street Y.
Be sure to get your Obama sticker with artwork by Shepard Fairey.
I Like Action Verbs
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Nichelle likes Moo cards, originally uploaded by Rachel Kramer Bussel.
It’s Advertising Week, so I know Don Draper and the guys from Sterling Cooper will be out having cocktails and cozying up to new clients.(Ha!)
There are other things going this week including the Biddies on Monday and Neal Medlyn’s Kanye West show on Thursday.
Quirky Circus: Expect weirdness on Tuesday night at the Gershwin Hotel. Armitage Shanks, Zero Boy, Lady Rizo and Coney Island Sideshow folks. $10, 8PM
The Alcoholic: Jonathan Ames animated may seem redundant or ironic depending on when you catch him, but he’s doing a reading of new graphic novel this Wednesday at Book Court in Brooklyn at 7PM.
Cause For Drinks: Also on Wednesday, you can drink and give to a good cause at All Day Buffet’s happy hour at Gallery Bar. BTW, are you going to The Feast Conference on October 16? I am.
Shoshi and Nichelle at ThisNext Dinner
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shoshi and nichelle, originally uploaded by nichellest.
The lovely folks from ThisNext were in town for Fashion Week, and they invited us New York Mavens for dinner at Tortilla Flats. Shoshi, Nichelle, Sarah and Patricia were among the group about twenty people talking about social shopping and recommending. Check out one of my lists on This Next.
Frugal is the New Black
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Frugal is the New Black, originally uploaded by nichellest.
I had a fantastic time at the Budget Fashionista’s 5th anniversary party.
Bloggers, friends, celebrities were there to celebrate Kathryn Finney.
I got a free pair of jeans! I ate cupcakes! The DJ spun some fun music!
Check out my Flickr set.
Getting Out Of Dodge This Weekend
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german chocolate cupcake at How sweet it is, originally uploaded by nichellest.
I am going to Martha’s Vineyard to pretend that I am bourgie for a minute. There are lot of things going one here in NYC that I will be missing but you should check out. First you should VOTE, the deadline is today, for the food blog panel for SXSWi. There will be cupcakes if our panel is selected!
Comedic storytelling: Meat and Potatoes tonight at the Pit.
Trivia hunting and gathering: Pop culture scavenger hunt in Midtown on Saturday at noon.
Campy: Camp Summer Camp’s last show at PS 122 will end with Neal Medlyn DJing. A dance party is on!
Go-Go Gowanus: Check out the Yard at Gowanus on Sunday for music.
See you in September which will totally rock.
Shop Around
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Me at GenArt, originally uploaded by nichellest.
Wednesday evening, I went to GenArt Shop NYC. There were so much beautiful clothes and jewelry, I was overwhelmed. A lot of the jewelry had a Neo-Victorian Steampunk kinda feel with lace, chains, and pearls.
Metromix took pictures of the shoppers.