I have relaunched my blog about fintech and personal finance, Keeping Nickels. I started Keeping Nickels over a decade as a way to keep up with fintech startups and share personal finance tips. My latest posts have been about the payroll tax deferral and withdrawal from retirement account. Next week, I will be attending Finovate. Finovate is a fintech conference. This year’s conference will be virtual.
It’s high Leo season. This week is my mom’s, my sister’s and my aunt’s birthdays. My birthday isn’t until November, but I have to skip it. This is not a great year for celebrations and gatherings.
Anyway, I cooked some chicken on Saturday. This morning, I cooked some onion and garlic hotdogs that I got from 920 Cattle & Company. They’re a farm based in Statesboro and they come down every week to sell at Forsyth Farmers’ Market.
I published the latest edition of Nichelle Newsletter. It’s a good one. It includes to links to Black people in the food and drink world that you haven’t heard of. Check out my Bookshop list, too.
The latest issue of Nichelle Newsletter is up. The podcast was crowdsourced by asking people about casseroles. I learned about King Ranch and Chicken Divan from my friends. I also ranted about hard seltzer being nothing more than malt liquor.
I am trying to think of a theme for the next podcast. I may pick from food holidays happening this first week of August.
Today I hit publish on another issue of Nichelle Newsletter. Please take a moment to read.
There’s been no Christmas in July. Civil rights leader and representative John Lewis passed away. He means so much to the people of Atlanta and Selma, Alabama. He was Obama’s hero. It’s sad. His colleagues in Washington should do everything to restore the Voting Rights Act to its full strength.
This past week, I have been listening to Jenifer Lewis‘ memoir, The Mother of Black Hollywood. It was so good to hear her narration. I am looking to find another book that I will enjoy on Audible.com
I have been posting a lot of photos on Instagram and I have been enjoying taking photos around Savannah. Follow me on Instagram.
Yesterday, I sipped some moonshine while sitting outside with my friends We were swarmed by flies and mosquitoes, but talking to people in person is nice.
Today, I am focused on promoting and working on the comedy show. Comedy @ The Starland Yard is a comedy show that I started producing in December. We did three shows, and have been on hiatus since March. It’s coming back on July 23rd. I hope to bring some laughs to Savannah. Today, I am doing research online to buy the best equipment for the show. I need a PA speaker, two mics and a mic stand. Hopefully, I don’t have to spend more than $180 on the equipment. I talked to my Dad, and he’s doing well. My mom is watching Castle & Castle on Netflix. My four year old nephew does a great impersonation of a dinosaur.
“My color is a joy, not a burden. ” It’s a quote I got from a book and it is one of my mantras. I tweet it out every afternoon. The tweet is for me not for anyone else, but it’s great someone likes it.
Tip: Direct action includes bailing protestors out of jail. Facebook is the worst way to donate. It takes about a month for people to get the funds. Donate to a bail fund or directly via Venmo, Paypal or CashApp.