It was Ad:Tech week with many parties. There was a historical election with many election night parties. It’s been a blast!
Monday at some Ad:Tech party, I finally met Sarah Cooley and Amber Show. Plus, I drank some sweet girl beer, Michelob Ultra with Raspberry Pomegranate.
Tuesday, I was hanging out at the Air America offices watching the early elections returns and carbo-loading on pasta before going to the party in Soho. It was great to see Baratunde Thurston there, yet I wish he was hologrammed into the CNN studios instead of Will.I. Am.
Wednesday, I had a election night hangover/euphoria but got back into the swing of things by attending the Akamai launch party at IAC.
Thursday was quiet.
Tonight, I am going to see the Sweet Divines at the Tribeca 92 Street Y.
Be sure to get your Obama sticker with artwork by Shepard Fairey.
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Martha Stewart Blogging Show, originally uploaded by nichellest.
Wednesday evening, Cupcakes Take The Cake had a Cupcake Social at The Delancey. There were so many cupcakes, that I don’t think I can eat any for the next week.
Friday was LikeMind, and after that I met with the founders of SmartyPig. I stopped by the OMMA Expo Hall, and met Barbi from Kontera. In the evening I went to the Montauk Club in Park Slope to celebrate Eric’s birthday. I had two delicious Key Lime Martinis and chatted with friends. Today I feel a little anti-social so I’m staying close to home tonight.

photo by Aaron Landry
Web 2.0 Expo is almost here. There are so much going on next week, that I am turning down free luncheons and re-arranging my work schedule.
Saturday: Laughing Squid Drink-Up at M1-5
Monday: Ignite NYC II Talk. I am presenting a talk on “Cupcakes: the iPhone of Desserts”.
Tuesday: Girls In Tech at The Cutting Room
Wednesday: Cupcake Social 2.1 At The Delancey

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shoshi and nichelle, originally uploaded by nichellest.
It's Nichelle With An "N"