Mandatory Credit: Photo by Rob Latour/Variety/REX/Shutterstock (5810011a) Issa Rae HBO ‘Insecure’ Panel at the TCA Summer Press Tour, Day 3, Los Angeles, USA – 30 Jul 2016
My favorite mantra is “black people are not a monolith”, so I am happy to see Issa Rae address that in her TCA panel about her new HBO show, “Insecure”.
There is a “notion that there’s a universal way to be black,” Rae said at today’s TCAshow panel. “It’s been portrayed throughout media and has been accepted by mainstream media, [but] what does that mean if you’re not ‘black enough?’ Does that mean that I don’t fit into this box? I always find the humor in that because you can’t escape being black – it’s who you are.”
Last night, I hosted the inaugural Blogging While Brown NYC Meetup at Houndstooth Pub in Midtown. It was so much fun meeting new people. There are a lot new bloggers on the scene who are doing cool stuff.
Yesterday, the Boy and I went to a matinee performance of “Broke-Ology” a new play by Nathan Louis Jackson. Starring The Wire’s Wendell Pierce, the play is a family drama that is both hilarious and tragic. I really enjoyed the play and it will playing until November 22 at the Mitzi Newhouse Theater at Lincoln Center.