Tag Archives: cupcakes
Seattle Bound For Cinnabon
Tomorrow I am leaving for Seattle, Washington for Cinnabon for a sweet retreat. All I know about Seattle is what I see on “Grey’s Anatomy”. I am excited to be a part of a special mission along with other bloggers to sample new treats from Cinnabon which includes CUPCAKES!
Update: Here is the list of bloggers who will be going.
Amanda Acuna, Mommy Mandy
Alice Currah, Savory Sweet Life
Cathy Danh, Gastronomy Blog
Tanya Gordon, Mommy Goggles
Carey Jones, GigaChef.com
Elita Kalma, Soul Parents
Shara Lawrence-Weiss, Mommy Perks
Nichelle Stephens, Cupcakes Take the Cake
Erin Zimmer, Serious Eats
I will be blogging about this here, Cupcakes Take The Cake and on Twitter.
Niche List: Sketchy, Freestyle, Guava and Wit
Jan 28. Witstream, Michael Ian Black’s curated comedy twitter feed is having a live comedy show at 92YTribeca. 9PM Free wifi $12 Adv. $15 Door [BTW, loved MIB’s guest performance on Mercy]
Jan 30. Molly Crabapple’s Dr. Sketchy’s class will have a tribute to Paul Pope. It is @The Slipper Room (167 Orchard St.) from 4-7PM. $10 adv. $12 door.
Jan 30. Sweet Revenge (62 Carmine Street) is having a Haiti fundraiser and will be debuting a special Haitian inspired cupcake with guava buttercream. All Day Saturday. Festivities start at 11AM.
Feb 1. Freestyle Love Supreme @Comix (353 West 14th St.) 8PM $20 Adv. $25 Day of Show.
The Week In Links (Januart 30) SXSW-bound, Cupcake Photos
- Went to the New York SXSW Pre-Party.
- Stopped by Ripple6 offices for a Tweetup.
- Did a crazy cupcake Photo Shoot with Matty Baker, The Drunken Photographer.
- Hung out with cool people at the Digital DUMBO party.
- Saw that I am on the cover of SXSWi’s February Update Newsletter.
- Put together my soda maker and make lemon seltzer.
The Week In Links Featuring Martha and Mashable (January 16)

Martha Stewart Show, originally uploaded by CupcakeStacie.
January is moving too fast for my liking. We’re already mid-month, and next week is MLK Day and the Inauguration. Check my bit.ly for some of the links I twittered this week.
Mashable party then Mashable overflow at Carriage House where Arc90 sponsored a round of drinks.
Martha Stewart taping where Butter Lane and Sweet Revenge’s cupcakes were featured. Then I went to Ritz Carlton’s Carnival of Chocolate event. Alex from Blondie and Brownie and Danielle from Yaybia joined us as well.
Matt Caldecutt in New York Observer
The word this week is “microcelebrity”. This word is over! That kind of “fame” is relative to the number of people who know you and talk about you when you are not there. It is not even real fame or even “long tail” fame. It is chatter that is fleeting. Get over yourself.
The Week In Links Ending Friday, November 14
Monday: Birthday Party for RKB at Ethiopian Restaurant, Awash. There were cupcakes, too.
Tuesday: New York Tech Meetup at IAC. Check out Glue and MixedInk.
Wednesday: Brooklyn Hilary’s birthday/going away party, CITY magazine event and Red Cup Tweetup at Starbucks.
Thursday: Media Meshing.
Tonight: Sex Blogger Calendar Party and Matt’s Birthday party.
Favorite expression (via Ugly Betty) “You’re a snow day”.