Tag Archives: gatekeepers


Gatekeepers are everywhere. They exists in the ivy league schools, fraternities and sororities, the toniest suburbs and the Upper East Side co-op boards.
Everything is not for everyone. Not everyone will fit in. However, gatekeepers have made it extremely difficult for social mobility and innovation.

Every community has a culture. Gatekeepers maintain the status quo culture by selecting who get in. Gatekeepers don’t like change. They only want to people that they assume will compliment the community. However, gatekeepers are often too narrow in their focus. Gatekeepers rely on pattern-matching to decide eligibility.

When it comes to innovation, inclusion and diversity works. Most financial advisors will tell you to to diversify assets and investments for a better return.
Gatekeepers need to open up the community to people who may not look like them but have the same habits and goals that the community has.