When I heard about Media Bistro/AOL Seed’s event called “How To Make Money Blogging”, I signed up thinking I would get some good tips about how to make money. Note: I hate the word “monetize”. Many of the attendees were either newbie bloggers or people thinking about starting a blog. It was a stark contrast to the experienced bloggers who attended to the #bkblogs event on Wednesday. The panelists, Lockhart Steele (Curbed), Dorothy McGivney (Jauntsetter) and Stephen Lenz (Urlesque) were definitely knowledgeable. They all agreed that you have to blog about something you are passionate about. However, the event was more for beginning bloggers so it was the not the best fit for me. The oddest moment was after the panel when a woman peppered me with questions about why she should have a Facebook page and what kind of Facebook page she should have. I didn’t even know if she blogged or not. Don’t get me started on her question about the difference between Twitter Feed and Facebook Feed. [KILL ME NOW.]
On the upside, I so loved the cool badges we got; and the reception was nice. Plus, I got to hang out with Erica and chat about blogging.
Anyway, I did learned something tonight. From Popeater to Lemondrop, AOL owns a whole lot of blogs and websites. I really want to know how AOL makes money blogging. That would be worth my time.