Tag Archives: motorola

Motorola Launches Droid And Parties at Morimoto

motorola picture by Nick McGlynn

Wednesday night, I attended a fun event at Morimoto celebrating the launch of Motorola’s new phone, DROID. The DROID by Motorola us a smartphone powered by Android 2.0 developed in partnership with Google and Verizon Wireless, the nation’s largest 3G network. The DROID was go on sale November 6.

Guests can chose to get either the DROID or the CLIQ. I chose the CLIQ which MOTOBLUR for its social networking capabilities. [I will let you know how it works when I get it.]

The food at Morimoto -sushi, oysters, shrimp and tiny fish burgers- were so good. I want to go back for dinner.

I hung out the usual suspects of the Consortium List, and it was great to see a few celebrities like Judah Friedlander, Guillermo Diaz, Sam Talbot from Top Chef, and Constantine Maroulis.

[Photo courtesy of Nick McGlynn of Random Night Out]