Thanks to Tiffani at Toots Sweets for the photo.
Tag Archives: sxswi
The Week in Links (Say Cheese!)
“Cheese, glorious, cheese…” I got a copy of The Cheese Chronicles, a new book about cheese by Liz Thorpe from Murray’s Cheese Shop.
Bill Wadman, the photographer who the wonderful 365 Portraits project, now has a book. I stopped the book party at a lovely apartment in Chelsea.
Thursday, I went to the Girl Geek Dinner which was so much fun. Cathy Erway, Vanessa Bertozzi of Etsy blog, The Storque, and Jessica Faye Carter were the speakers.
I’m working on a new website that will launch this week. Check out We Inspire.
Saturday, I stopped by Nadine’s birthday drinks. She is working on some cool stuff.
Vote for my SXSW panel, “The Broke Diaries: Using Blogs and Twitter to Live On The Cheap”.
@SXSW: Finance 2.0, Money Management to Save This Generation
WAKE UP!!! Today, I will speaking on a very important panel at 10am, Finance 2.0, Money Management to Save This Generation. I am so happy to be on the panel with‘s Aaron Patzer,‘s Michael Ferrari, Murali Subbarao of Billeo, and Stessa Cohen. Please come if you are in the town for “South By”. The panel will be in Room 18, Level 4 in the Austin Convention Center. The hashtag for our panel is #finsxsw.
That’s Not My Name: Beating Down Misogyny Online
Panelists: Samhita and Ann from Feministing, Amanda Marcotte, and Cecily Walker.

Tweets from The Bootstrap Your Startup Panel
Check out the slideshare prepared by Bijoy for this panel.

Tweets From The Women and Feminism Panel
Heather Gold led an interesting yet somewhat meandering panel about feminism, privacy and social networking.

Tweets From The SXSW Core Conversation: Queerosphere
I’m using Twickie to live tweet and I will post my tweets on the blog.

Blacks in Tech Meetup at SXSWi
After a long day of traveling, I made it to Austin just in time to be a panelist on the Blacks in Tech Meetup. The cab driver didn’t know how to get to the Carver Museum nor did he know where 1165 Angelina Street was. I don’t have an iPhone, but a fairly good memory so I remembered looking on the Google Map so I told him it was near 11th Street, so after slowly driving around the east part of town, we made it.
When I got inside, I first saw EJ Flavors and my SXSW roomie Twanna (Funky Brown Chick). After saying hello to a few people including “Papa Bear” George Kelly, the panel commenced.
Jeffery Bowman from Ogilvy moderated the panel which included Baratunde, Lynne D. Johnson, Denise Jacobs and me.
We talked about three main topics: brand, community and social networking tools.
It was a lively and informative discussion. I also met Corvida, Wayne Sutton and a few others who I will start following on Twitter.
If you are at “South By” check out Denise Jacob’s panel on Monday, “Can the Afrosphere Survive the Age of Obama?” Also, Latoya Peterson from Racialicious is having a panel, “Can Social Media End Racism?”