Mardi Gras Cupcake Meetup, originally uploaded by nichellest.
The reason I do “the week in links” is because I barely remember what happened yesterday let alone a week ago.
Tuesday: Drinks with Mixing Bowl editor Heather and Ripple 6’s Katie.
Wednesday: Bookkeeping presentation at New Work City.
Thursday: Pre-Mardi Gras Cupcake Meetup at Jimmys No 43.
Friday: sniffling, sneezing, and got the bridesmaid’s sandals delivered from Macys.
Saturday: sniffling, coughing but also joined Weight Watcher’s Online (for my sister’s wedding).
Sunday: blowing my nose, sniffling, and watched the Oscars at Comix.
Best compliment I got this week: A nice young lady at the cupcake meetup asked me if the pink shirt I wore was American Apparel. I told her I am too fat for American Apparel, but thanks!