The Week In Links (World Record, Going Home)

August 021

It’s Sunday, and I can’t wait until the season premiere of “Mad Men”. I just ate homemade pound cake with butter pecan ice cream at my parent’s house. When I get back to NYC, I am going to work on losing weight and making lifestyle changes to get rid of my spare tire. But first, I am going to recap all the food I ate this week.

August 023

Saturday, I went to Birmingham for a big family fish fry. My dad and uncle fried fish (tilapia and whitening) as well as shrimp. It was delicious.

August 002

Friday, I had a little sweetup at Sweet Pockets in Atlanta, and I really enjoyed our small group. My mom and her friends came.

cupcake kebab closeups

Rachel, Nora and I set a world record building the longest cupcake kebab for URDB. BTW, I highly recommend watching Food Party, Thu Tran’s show on IFC. She’s hilarious.